The 69 300 has docked

Amazing, your heater valve's still in one piece. I have combined several to make a good unit.
Grabbed a gallon of Ospho today to try on the trunk floor, pans, etc. I saw @commando1 used that with good results, although I haven't settled on the follow up treatment. I'm currently thinking simple POR and glass. But his trunk did look great with the extra steps.
I used POR for my trunk and floors. Has held up pretty well, been a few years now. Time flies.
Ospho went on Saturday, and had blackened the trunk floor by today. Waiting on a quart of POR silver to arrive tomorrow. Various accounts I've read since say those two are incompatible for good adhesion, but I wanted to see if any of you guys had used the Ospho/Por combo successfully.

On the mechanical side, found a pretty substantial pooling of gas on the intake, traced back to a split in the accelerator pump diaphragm. Replaced the diaphragm, and that appears to have fixed the issue. No other leaks at present, but it's a Holley 4166 and I've heard some scary stories that have me waiting for the other shoe to drop.

The adventure continues.