About 40 people shot in Baltimore since April 27 riots

1978 NYB

Legendary Member
Apr 16, 2011
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OK, we are back to normal in Baltimore...

About 40 people shot in Baltimore since April 27 riots


Thumbs up to State's Attorney (Baltimore) Marilyn J. Mosby for making a difference and keeping the city safe...


Let's see if this thread can stay alive longer than the next thug that will get shot in Baltimore today!
I can't say what I want to say because no matter how much careful thought I put in to try and and say it so that it gets to the root cause of the problem without being misinterpreted is impossible.
So I'll blame it all on you-know-who.
OK, we are back to noin mal in Baltimore...

About 40 people shot in Baltimore since April 27 riots


Thumbs up to State's Attorney (Baltimore) Marilyn J. Mosby for making a difference and keeping the city safe...


Let's see if this thread can stay alive longer than the next thug that will get shot in Baltimore today!

With an average of 230-240 murders per year, they don't call it Bloodymore Murderland for nothing.
Shame since Baltimore was once a nice city. Lived just outside it between 1962-66. Yet over the years there has been a white flight to the suburbs slowly followed by the flight of all the solid middle class jobs out of the city. Those solid middle class jobs provided a lot of jobs for the black middle class. That middle class, with the men in their 40's to 60's is what kept the neighborhoods in check. They mentored kids down at the playgrounds in sports and were a stabilizing influence. The jobs went, they passed on and nothing was left to take their place. I remember seeing them on the brownstones when driving through town to a ballgame on the weekends.

We now have a version of Lord of the Flies in Baltimore where the new mentors are just 25-30 years old but they weren't mentored by anybody so they are clueless and without solid core jobs. The city did get a lot of Federal money but many don't know where it went since most all playgrounds and activity centers have been closed. The city may have to go the way of Detroit to be slowly born again.