Differences in steering shaft pot coupling 65-66


Active Member
May 6, 2014
Reaction score
Herkenbosch, Netherlands
First of this is about a 65 NY with tilt steering. I replaced the rag joint with the newer type for a Land rover (see topic Steering coupler needed ) Because the new biscuit was thicker i had to adjust the length of the lower shaft (the one with the yoke) I fffd up and didn't drill straight through the shaft to re-position the shoe pins. I still mounted it in the car so I could still move it but I also decided to ask Murray for a used 65 coupler for a tilt steering NY. Today it arrived and it is different from the one I have.

You can see the coupler it self is twisted 90 degrees compared to the notch on the steering box shaft and the shaft with yoke is twisted about 45 degrees compared to the coupler. I have seen other pics of 65 C-bodies and they were the same as the one I have in the car. Could it be that the one I received from Murray is for a 66? With the one I received I will never get the notches on the steering box shaft and the steering wheel shaft to line up.

Does anyone have more info for me or can owners of 65 and 66 C-bodies share some pics of the couplers in their cars? Any help is welcome!
Thanks, Alex