i choose not to be a common man


Senior Member
Jun 11, 2015
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I was going through my photos on my computer. I didn't bother who he was
Ya im a libertard, love the way this is alwsys miss quoted. Read on for context, if your interested. Two minutes of googling gets the full sperch.

If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you've got a business – you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn't get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.

The point is, is that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together.
I never heard of him. So is this saying the Democratic Party has gone 180?

No, there was an actual Liberal Party, independent of the other parties.
Usually, guys on this forum lump any Democrat with the far left.
That's as funny as lumping all Republicans on the far right.
Most folks are moderates, in both parties.
I call them "Republicrats".
No, there was an actual Liberal Party, independent of the other parties.
Usually, guys on this forum lump any Democrat with the far left.
That's as funny as lumping all Republicans on the far right.
Most folks are moderates, in both parties.
I call them "Republicrats".
Actually, they are "Centrists". Toward the end of GWBush's Presidency, that was a respectable orientation, but later, it suddenly became a dirty word. Republicans bought into the Tea Party's message in order to get their support for Normal Republican things, but then moved farther "right" in so doing. Which made anybody LEFT of them "more radical left" in the process, even if they were Normal Republicans.

Then it became amusing to watch one Republican try to term themselves as better than their Republican competitors! Suddenly, it wasn't enough to be just a Republican, but a particular type of Republican. "Fiscal Conservative", "Conservative", etc., with each more intense definition allegedly betting better. In many cases, they couldn't even work with other noted Republicans! NOT to forget the "Republican In Name Only" charges!

People in the middle, on either side, who can tend to work together, don't get ANY press coverage, typically.

Kind of amusing to watch all of these things happen, over the years.
I never heard of him. So is this saying the Democratic Party has gone 180?
Yes, it sure seems like it.

It used to be that Democrats were the ones that didn't care about balancing the budget & spent money like crazy. Have you seen the deficit lately?

It used to be that Republicans were "hawks" and would rather fight Russia, China, any country in the Middle East, North Korea, Qatar, etc. than play "kissey-face" with them.

Times sure have changed. It sure looks like Republicans are the "liberals" and Democrats are the "conservatives" these days.

People in the middle, on either side, who can tend to work together, don't get ANY press coverage, typically.


Good point! Here's a crazy idea....pick one "centrist" Republican & one "centrist" Democrat and have them run on the same ticket. The President/Vice President role gets decided by a coin flip after the election. Interesting, huh? No crazy left-wingers & no crazy right-wingers.