2019 hurricane season thread...

Not sure what you mean about west coast.

Yea sorry 'bout that thought you were the member in Punta Gorda (67Monaco).
I edited my post.

That's why I live on the 'Mainland' here in Daytona Beach, close to US-1 which has been completely upgraded to concrete power poles (Thank You Jeb Bush) so hopefully we won't loose power for very long. BUT! During the press conferences for the Maria/Irma hurricanes what I deciphered from the BS buzzspeak from the FP&L representative was they were going to shut down the grid to protect their 'assets'.
To hell with the food in freezer/refrigeration everywhere.
.....what I deciphered from the BS buzzspeak from the FP&L representative was they were going to shut down the grid to protect their 'assets'.
To hell with the food in freezer/refrigeration everywhere.

That's exactly what they do here for my "island", and I fully understand it. If the grid is off--which means the sewage pumping stations are off, which also means they shut the water supply from the mainland off--once the event is over there's MUCH less repairs needed. No fried wires or blown x-formers, no uprooted water/poop pipes spouting geysers and destroying more infrastructure. And, they can justify this because once there is a mandatory evac order, they technically aren't endangering anyone's life by shutting down the utilities. If some milk spoils and frozen dinners melt? Eh.

We also have the new concrete poles running down A1A, and that does help the main grid stay stable. Communities lose power from tree branches, but that's quickly put right locally.
Last I heard from 4/6 months ago Cities around here still haven't been reimbursed from FEMA for the Millions spent for debris cleanup from Hurricane Matthew. Gawd
What about Hurricane Charley in 2004? Were you there then?

I owned my PVB house during Charley, but I was in Houston on business for two weeks during that storm. It caused a mess of downed trees and weak gas station canopies because it had been a long time since a similarly powerful storm "cleaned up", but it came across the state and exited just north of Dayto so heavy wind damage was minimal here. That was the year of several hurricanes, IIRC.
It has a self test feature. Every Saturday, it fires up automatically and runs for 5 minutes.
Be glad you were still up north grabin' grabin gearz when Andrew came thru' in August of '92. I had good Friendz in Homosassa when that freight train came screamin' across the state. Shesh, too much for anybody already. Jer
Gawdamm Irma which came right through and destroyed Fumbuck County was a "Hundred Year Storm".
That was two years ago... :rolleyes:

Youngster landlord fresh down from up'nort I had back in '04 was panik'in as being from the NYC area and never been through a hurricane was getting ready to evacuate telling me it's "The Storm Of The Century"! I looked at him and said "You know how many time I've heard that in my lifetime?".

He evacuated for Charley (1st), didn't for the other 3.

This looks like a big one. If it hangs off the coast for awhile, even Central FL could be flooded, then damaging winds afterwards. If you wait too long, the traffic will be unbelievable, with no gas or food to be found afterwards.

I don't live in Florida any longer, but have owned houses there for the past 25+ years. I worked for the States of NY & Florida for decades. Please don't be too complacent when a storm slows down just before it hits. That typically causes serious floods as it slowly makes it's way through the State, drenching everyone, with wind dropping wet & flooded trees. If that happens, power will be out for a long time.
traffic will be unbelievable, with no gas or food to be found afterwards.

Guess you haven't been around here for awhile...

Traffic is already unbelievable everyday without a storm √

Governor was already on TV this morning saying gas stations are out √
(he said plenty of gas in ports just a lag refilling the stations)

The store shelves are empty on just about any day around here anyway √

Morning, Noon & Night I see WallyWorld Associates stocking shelves but I still find empty shelves where I want to buy. What's wrong with this picture I ask them.

January 2019


April 2018


and on and on.