Hershey C-Bodies


Active Member
Jun 13, 2014
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Hershey was wonderful as usual this year, with several C-bodies for sale. Unfortunately I only got a couple of photos:
A 1975 Imperial for $8,500.

A 1974 Newport with the same folks, at about 12k miles, probably accurate. I forgot the price. It was very crowded.

A 1978 NYB that was way over-priced at $35,900. Advertised as 130 original miles; that appears to be close, but I didn't look under the hood. There was just too much to see.

A 1971 Newport Custom, around 20k miles.

A 1966 Polara with the police package & 383, which was not for sale. This doesn't appear to be a clone. The owners states that the PD added the side marker lights long ago.

If you've never been to Fall Hershey, they have many of the nicest classic and antique cars, anywhere. Sorry I didn't get more photos. I was only allowed part of 1 day to look, and that's just not long enough.









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Here's a couple more photos. The forum only allows 10 per post.



There was also an absolutely gorgeous, low mile, 73 Town & Country there. I could not get photos due to the crowd. It's worth every penny. This photo is all I could get. I would have looked into this further, but there were just too many, too nice.

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Yah, yah, yah...
We know all about that one. :lol:

I wonder if this one was different. It appears to be from Buffalo, with a 716 area code. I totally agree with the crazy cloth description.
LeRoy is a town in-between Rochester & Buffalo.
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I wonder if this one was different. It appears to be from Buffalo, with a 716 area code.
I may have responded too hastily. There have been so many "low miles" NYB''s of late, I'm losing track of who's what.
it is amazing how you can go to Carlisle, then Hershey a week later and see all different cars. Lots of top shelf at Hershey.
The "Regularly Serviced" comment seems a bit odd with only 130 miles on it. FWIW

it is amazing how you can go to Carlisle, then Hershey a week later and see all different cars. Lots of top shelf at Hershey.
What I think iz interesting My Friend iz that Carlisle came into being because the Power's that control the Hershey Show would not let any Post WWII cars even on the Hershey Groundz back in the early 80's, And 4 guyz told 'um to stuff in their Panty Hose and went 30 milez down the road and rented the Carlisle Fair Grounds twice a year and Spring and Fall Carlisle waz born, and we all know how that'z turned out. My how timez have changed and aren't we glad? Jer