360 -85 in -68 NY

I'm thinking this was something that was started after sitting a looong time.

You'll have at least another $500 into swapping from BB to SB (linkage, driveshaft, radiator, wiring) plus the mental hassle and lameness. Buy the 440 for $2200 (after baring it over with the valve covers removed). Rebuild yours and sell the "other" 440 to get your $2200 back.
Others have gone into the specifics of the swap, now it's just the financial side for yourself to choose. I can empathize about the lack of parts available in Europe for your NY'er, and the numbers you posted comparing the costs make it seem to me that going the B250 route would probably be the best solution to your problem. And since you would be getting a complete running and driving Van I think the swap would be pretty straight forward, other then the motor and tranny mounts.
I think one other thing that may be an issue would be the 360 exhaust manifolds and whether they would fit the C-body chassis without interference. Otherwise you would need different, small block C-Body manifolds or headers.
I ran the SB magnum manifolds on my 360 I had in my 70 Sport Fury, so as long as they are not center dump....and I can not recall ever seeing any like that in the 80's trucks or vans...you should be good I think.
727s were also available behind slant 6s - a 3rd mounting pattern.
And in some Maseratis.
And 904 transmissions can be found in some 1/2-ton pickup trucks in the 80s.
There are LOTS of transmission variations from 68-88, Chrysler made lots of changes.
But I don't think you'll find a 9xx trans behind any 360 from the factory, and certainly not in a B350 van, that's a workhorse.

As Twostick said, try to find the small-block biscuit mounts. Then the driverside one can be made to work with some spacers IIRC.
Even if not perfect, you said it's just to make your car movable while redoing the 440, not for acceleration runs.

A van will have the long tailshaft, so driveshaft, linkage, etc will all work.
Use the van's engine/trans KD linkage -- photo your original 440 stuff to reinstall it later.
You must use the 360 torque converter, as it is balanced specific to the 360.
Yes, radiator hoses might be on the wrong side at the bottom - but borrow the radiator from the van?
Throttle cable should hook up OK from 440 to smallblock, might be a little long so might nee to put some gentle bends in it.