For Sale 68 Chrysler boat

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Ross Wooldridge

Old Man with a Hat
FCBO Gold Member
Apr 25, 2016
Reaction score
Scotland, Ontario, Canada
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Looks beautiful, in Clarington Ontario Canada, so even cheaper for USA buyers. Something for the Chrysler person who thought they had it all. If I had the $ I'd buy that in an instant and tow it behind my 66 T&C - it's the perfect colour!!
Stole some pictures from a different ad. Cool little boat, my father in laws favorite fishing board was a tri hull.

Nice little history in this ad. 1969 Chrysler Charger

From a former boat owner....

Boat = Bust Out Another Thousand.

Boat = Hole in the water to throw money into.

Happiest days in a boat owner's life? The day he buys it and the day he sells it.

But!! It would be cool to have.
Scorch red, nice looking boat. You'd have to be a little dingy to runabout in that or crafty enough to sell it and make a big splash...
Would be cool to tow it behind the Boab at a Mopar only show..
But no place to store the boat....oh and I cannot swim...
Time for one of my favorite jokes:
2 rednecks head for a big lake, rent a boat and go fishing. They hit the best spot of their lives, they're pulling big fish in left-and-right. After just 2 hours they're worn out, so they turn the boat in early and head home.

A few miles later Clem says 'Boy, I sure wish we'da be able ta find that spot agin'.
Otis said "I'ze way ahedda ya -- I marked dat spot *real* good'.
Oh, Clem says, 'howja do that, then?'
'I put me a big X on the bottom of dat boat, eggzackly where my feet was'.
Clem looks at Otis and said 'Boy, if you was twiced as smart you'd still be an idiot. You can't mark a fishin spot like that.'
'Whaddaya mean, Clem?'
'Well jeez, boy, think about it. What if we don't get that same boat next time?'
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