Move up to Chrysler '68 ... unveiling our latest C-body acquisition

Great car, and spectacular scenery. But you needn't have waited. You can usually get the best pictures of cars on overcast days or in full shade. The lack of full direct sunlight eliminates the difficulty of photographing with glare and harsh shadows.
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Wow, I'm speechless. I remember seeing the ad here for it for sale and believe the picture was an ad from a newspaper. Damn it looks way better than the newspaper picture. Congratulations and enjoy!
Congrats on your beautiful 300. I love it.
Anybody who has known me for more than a day knows my lust for 4 speed Chryslers. In all forms.
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Thanks again everyone. I'll get some pics of the interior and under the hood next weekend. We're planing on bringing it to Carlisle in July -- I just hope the damn plate comes in before then! I called the notary last week and he said PennDOT was open and started processing their backlog, but I actually got the title for that recently purchased Newport (see my other thread) in about a week, so they certainly aren't processing FIFO :mob:
Anybody who has known me for more than a day knows my lust for 4 speed Chryslers.

I always wanted a 4-speed. In fact, this car checked all the boxes for me: 68, 2-door, 4 speed, TNT, good condition, low miles, and LOCAL. I'm even ok with it not having A/C. I don't mind that the 4-speed and TNT aren't factory original.

The one thing I kinda wish it had was bucket seats up front, but we may change that at some point.