Kidney Stone


Illegitimi non carborundum
FCBO Gold Member
May 21, 2013
Reaction score
Marcellus, NY
I was diagnosed with a 15 mm kidney stone last week. I've had smaller ones but this one just isn't gonna fit through the plumbing.

So... They are scheduling a lithotripsy for me. This uses sound to bust the stone into small pieces that can be passed.

Anyone ever had this done? I'd love to hear if it works as well as they claim.
Yes, Big_John, I have a pal who did the "boom box" treatment, with the predicted results. Passing the smaller pieces is still no day at the beach, of course, but the problem was solved. He's a preacher, so maybe he had some extra help and thus YMMV.
I’ve had several kidney stones over the last 20 years. Lithotripsy 3 times, first 2 times stone was broken up into many small easily passable stones.
The one I had last October, a 10mm stone, (after an 18 year hiatus since the last one) I had lithotripsy procedure done again, and after 3 weeks I still hadn’t passed it. They put me on FloMax and within a couple days I passed 2 large 5mm stones, so the lithotripsy did not pulverize the stone as had happened in the past. Not sure why the difference in results but glad to get rid of them in either case.
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I was diagnosed with a 15 mm kidney stone last week. I've had smaller ones but this one just isn't gonna fit through the plumbing.

So... They are scheduling a lithotripsy for me. This uses sound to bust the stone into small pieces that can be passed.

Anyone ever had this done? I'd love to hear if it works as well as they claim.
Prayers sent your way...
Prayers, best wishes and good luck!! I had kidney stones in the late 80's and again in the mid 90's. No fun!!!!
So everyone knows, I'm feeling just fine. I've been walking around with the stone for a while now. It was smaller and passable that last time it was checked so it was nothing to worry about. I pushed for another ultrasound because I hadn't had one in a while and my suspicions were correct that it had gotten bigger.

I have two concerns... One is that we just get this done and over before it decides to ruin my day. I've passed smaller stones without too much issue... The other is the procedure. Every other medical procedure I've had done has been explained fairly thoroughly to me before hand and I knew someone else that had been through it. While these guys are pretty competent, I'm a little in the dark about it. I can watch all the videos and read everything, but until someone says "Yea, I did it", I'm not real warm and fuzzy about it.
My dad had that done. The first time they calculated how much sound energy to hit it with it basically put a small crack in it. Take 2, they turned up the volume and it blew it apart but he said he felt like someone had hit him with a bat for a few days after.

My dad had that done. The first time they calculated how much sound energy to hit it with it basically put a small crack in it. Take 2, they turned up the volume and it blew it apart but he said he felt like someone had hit him with a bat for a few days after.


I've had 10 Kidney Stones. All the ones that needed surgery were done by FURSL. They stick a scope up inside you, and blast the things with a laser to break them. The other type of lithotripsy is external. They put you on a table, put a water bag against your skin, and blast shock waves into your Kidney/Ureter. Never done that one, but I think thats the "Baseball Bat" feeling.

My last surgery ended in complications. More than I can explain in a post.
I was diagnosed with a 15 mm kidney stone last week. I've had smaller ones but this one just isn't gonna fit through the plumbing.

So... They are scheduling a lithotripsy for me. This uses sound to bust the stone into small pieces that can be passed.

Anyone ever had this done? I'd love to hear if it works as well as they claim.
My father has been living with kidney stones since the 80's. Now in his mid-70's he is on dialyisis 3 times a week.
The procedure they will be doing is effective but you still have to pass the busted stones.
Still painful and not fun regardless.
For years (35+), doctors have wanted to treat me for kidney stones.
I'll wait until it leaves me screaming for help before I let butchers touch me to suck up more of the Medicare Cash Cow.
John: If it's not disabling you now, do nothing until it perhaps does in the future. You may get hit by a bus before then.
For years (35+), doctors have wanted to treat me for kidney stones.
I'll wait until it leaves me screaming for help before I let butchers touch me to suck up more of the Medicare Cash Cow.
John: If it's not disabling you now, do nothing until it perhaps does in the future. You may get hit by a bus before then.
I like the way you think. Managed to keep my Hernia for almost 15 years before I said uncle.
had a 4mm one get stuck and they had to go up and get it (after a week or 2 of painkillers that did nothing and flowmax) ...that whole deal sucked...then they told me that was the small had the lithotripsy on the 10mm one...that was absolutely no big pain at all...but they said there was still a 5mm piece up there...last time they checked it has down to 2mm...claim it could have cracked but hadnt fallen apart yet...and pieces can kinda get blown into spots where they dont want to move...but its now they say come back in a year.... bottom line it took me a long time to pass all the pieces, lots of dr visits and x rays....been over a year and i still may have one in as long as it breaks into little enough pieces theres no pain...but peeing into a strainer looking for pieces gets old fast
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I was diagnosed with a 15 mm kidney stone last week. I've had smaller ones but this one just isn't gonna fit through the plumbing.

So... They are scheduling a lithotripsy for me. This uses sound to bust the stone into small pieces that can be passed.

Anyone ever had this done? I'd love to hear if it works as well as they claim.

Sorry to hear about this, John. I hope it all works out well for you.