Used to be called an Enhanced drivers license when I lived in Michigan

The post office even accepted the same birth certificate for a Passport that DMV wouldn't, like I said. The laws are goofy. Question them as to why a passport isn't good enough when it's US Govt. issued document and why they won't accept it, and see what they say. I'd love to hear the answer, I'm sure you would too? Good Luck!
Ain't worth the trouble to me, DMV is a pain where a pill won't reach and I avoid dealing with them any time I can. It's an extra hassle every 4 years and an extra 30 bux every 4 years. A passport ID card for motor crossings is 30 bux for 10 years and is an easy renewal, and I enjoy an occasional trip overseas so a passport is a requirement for me, oh btw the passport is 110 by itself plus the 30 if you want the card.
Just last week. Eastern Michigan U.S. District Court.
Called for Jury Duty then promptly dismissed. Another perk of getting old!

Well I guess if they want me to be a juror that bad they'll have to take me with my regular drivers license or send me packing.