Bought a new shop


Woodruff Carburetor Specialties
FCBO Vendor
Sep 17, 2011
Reaction score
Since I bought the business, I’ve been renting the original shop and driving 42 miles one way to work. Last summer the lord showed me some favor and I was able to buy an old auto parts building my dad used to take me to as a kid. About 7 miles from home. It has just been used as storage for years and is in need of lots of work to be just right for a carb shop. First off my good friend frank and I tore all the old brick off the face and with a lot of help from him and other friends and family we gave it a fresh red brick face lift. Currently the electrician (cousin Kris ) is doing his thing. He’ll be followed by the security crew, drywall crew, then the painting crew, then I’ll wrap things up with a little interior brickwork. Right now I am huddled in the back three rooms of the shop, which is still bigger than the old shop, and staying out of everyone’s way. When the dust settles I’ll have a little over 6000sq. ft. With a show room, office, machine shop, test engine room, glass bead room, plenty of work bench and shelving for cores and inventory. I know it will enable me to do my work more efficiently. Thanks everyone’s support thus far, I never forget where I came from. And couldn’t have gotten this far without you.
Before pics of the showroom area.
A little more space is always great.
My carb came yesterday. You were right. Car runs much smoother now. Idles great. Thanks again and good luck with the new location.
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Hi Dana,

Congratulations! I have never contacted you but I am always glad too see someone be able to grow when they put in the work and effort. That is such nice thing to see right now.
This will allow you to keep growing and possibly get into more new things you have always wanted to. Best of luck and again congratulations on your hard work!
Nice to see a small business grow.
Wow congrats!! Careful of that insulation hanging down, probably should wear a mask
All the insulation is gone now. It was stamped “mineral wool” and let me tell ya, the second you pulled your mask down that 50 yr old junk took your breath away. Never dealt with insulation that nasty!
Ok where is your shop I have 2 carburetors that needs to be rebuilt 1 is a 68 383 hp 4spd 4bbl the other is a 68 383 2bbl the 2 bbl I will need it tricked out
Congrats on the new shop!
All the insulation is gone now. It was stamped “mineral wool” and let me tell ya, the second you pulled your mask down that 50 yr old junk took your breath away. Never dealt with insulation that nasty!
Much better than the asbestos alternative!