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  • Users: Mbaird
  • In Interior
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  1. M

    Shout out for SMS Auto Fabrics

    I ordered a yard of green material and a vinyl top last week and the yardage arrived today . They said the top would take 6-8 weeks .
  2. M

    1975 Imperial Dash Removal and Stereo Replacement

    I dont see myself going to that expense and wait . Some 8 tracks have an adjustment on the back to adjust speed . Much like an antenna trim port . Was hoping these were one that did . How long did it take to remove the dash pad ?
  3. M

    1975 Imperial Dash Removal and Stereo Replacement

    Nope .. did not know the diameter of the fronts . 2nd question … my 8 track plays really fast . All my cassettes are of Alvin and the Chipmunks! Is there a speed setting ?
  4. M

    1975 Imperial Dash Removal and Stereo Replacement

    What size are the dash speakers ? I need to replace my 75 Imperials.