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  1. TylerW

    Chrysler Starter disassembly and refresh.

    To the OP..great job! I've done several of those starters. They are always fun. The mystery wire that the OP's starter has and the second starter did not is a shunt. I'm not totally versed in electric motors either, but essentially, the shunt serves as an rpm limiter so that the starter motor...
  2. TylerW

    Locked up electric washer motor....

    I didn't know how to fix it! I didn't even have the cover off of it when I posted my question. But, I don't give up easily and everyone started talking about Certicards, so I figured I had depleted the available knowledge base. I decided to see what happened to it. That's how I fixed it. Freed...
  3. TylerW

    Locked up electric washer motor....

    Redirecting this thread from "Where my Certicard might be"... lol. I decided to respectfully ignore the advice to throw the date-coded, Mopar built-in-the-USA washer pump away and tore it apart to see if i could repair it. Simple design. Motor on one end, pump on the other connected by a strip...
  4. TylerW

    Locked up electric washer motor....

    Hey guys: Has anyone dealt with a seized washer pump? The electric motor part seems operable, but something is stuck elsewhere. If it went together in 1965 it can come part in 2019, but I'm open to a workaround to get it going again if you have one. Thanks!