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    Glass Run Guide/Slide - Obsolete

    Has anyone used this product in 74-78 formal body? Profile length in HT w/ vent is approx. 19.5" I assume it's the same profile, but wanted to make sure.
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    windshield replacement

    For Finnish and European users: Kuttila type W821. Quoted them and it's available.
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    Need HELP identifying Radiator # 4016971

    My 1978 NYB with A/C + Max cooling package has that number Radiator. Application: 1974-1978 C-body
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    Has the RV2 compressor an oil pump?

    Just realized that Santech MT2034 gas seal kit had the o-ring for oil pump - or at least that's what I assume. Dimensions 1 1/2" id x 1/8" round profile. Profile is a little too thick for my liking, hopefully it squeezed enough. Topped off with NOS Oil pump pkg
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    Late model wiring diagram
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    Has the RV2 compressor an oil pump?

    Thanks for the answers. Good to know that round profile have been used with success. I interpret mixed information about the original seal - @Trace 300 Hurst states, that original design seldom leaks but @Davea Lux states that this square profile is failure prone. I assume the average is...
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    Has the RV2 compressor an oil pump?

    Hi. Does anyone have information about availability of this seal separately in green (R134a compatible) type? For example Four Seasons part number #? Have You used round profile o-ring instead of square profile succesfully in oil pump flange? This is alternative method if only "standard"...
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    Carburetor for 1978 Chrysler New Yorker with 400 engine

    This issue is probably already taken care of, but I would still like to share information about my setup for future. Previous owners in USA had already changed carbuetor to Edelbrock 1406 and distributor to Mopar electric style in my 78 440. I was pleased to find all Lean-Burn stuff still...
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    Mirror Question

    Sorry, I don't have an answer for You, but I was curious on the differenices You have found. Could you elaborate? The only thing I'm aware of is that the mirror is either with or without colored graphic. Found - 78 New Yorker two door right door mirror WANTED - 78 Newport passenger mirror
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    78 Newport door switches

    As @CBODY67 mentioned, the lower one allows shoulder belt to be locked to allow some slack for passenger comfort. Retractor is unlocked when door is opened and the belt is retracted immediately. Owner's manual...
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    1977 Plymouth Service Manual Download Not a downloadable version, sorry. But good for online reading.
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    1978-New Wiper Cam Bushing

    Which material did he use? Which material did not last?
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    Distributor pickup to 440

    Ouch, hope You get it fixed and You will! At least it's nice summer weather. Then it is straight replacement and 1978 B and RB pickup parts will fit. I'm aware of only one type of pickup+baseplate combo for V8 w/o Lean Burn (example: Standard LX102). For the future, I advice universal Mopar...
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    Distributor pickup to 440

    Hi If it is cheap, buy it. You will probably need it in some point of Your life. 1970 is originally points distributor (with no pickup, I'm confused). The frame is the same as later models, but upper shaft and moving part of the baseplate is different. Could You share a picture of Your 1970...
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    Is this ignition box good or bad?

    If chinese product, buy two. Install one and leave one in the trunk as a spare (along with the original). Then You have 2 spare units when chinese box fails. I have found that You can still find original boxes in swap meets in Finland. Buy every one if You see them.
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    78 New Yorker. climate control switches & Window electrical issues

    Ok, then I would primarily recommend going through ATC diagnostics in service manual. There might be only simple bug to disable the whole system - such as vacuum leak. There's a master vacuum switch for the blower motor. If it is not getting vacuum, there's no blower. Vacuum also goes through...
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    Help with few things on 77 NYB

    If AC is charged and disassembly is out of question, how about removing blower housing in engine compartment. Should have direct access to the core. The other side maybe accessed through blower resistor mounting hole? I have to do this also - hopefully someone can confirm that this strategy works.
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    78 New Yorker. climate control switches & Window electrical issues

    Hi. I'm not an expert on anything. Do You have manual A/C or Auto Temp II (Does it have blower speed control switch or not)? You should check if A/C vacuum line is connected in engine compartment. Hard 1/8 line coming out of the middle of the firewall. If all fuses are also ok, the next step is...
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    History of your car

    I answer to myself: I got the information I needed from the site They accepted 13 digit VIN and charged $10 for the report. Sample report of my case for an example to others. I have blurred most of the information to protect individuals. If You recognize familiar car or might...
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    History of your car

    I'm borrowing the old thread since I have the same issue. I'm trying to find some history of imported pre-81 Chrysler in US. Last US title exists. US license is unknown. Last owner in US is known, but does not answer. Mainly interested in Title history and in which states it has been and when. I...