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Garage For Mopars

Turned garage not only into a nice place to work but also a place where you don't mind hanging out. 1965 Plymouth Sport Fury has now been moved in for restoration, note the 383 H.P. motor on the stand ready for installation.

General Information

Garage is a three car garage, (first rule of garages; they are never big enough), however we keep the wife's car and my car outside and only the Plymouth is now in the garage, (well along with the motorcycle). Long way to go on restoration of the 1965 Plymouth Sport Fury, 383 manual 4 speed, the engine is actually a 1968 circa 383 H.P. motor so I finished it first of course and painted it Street Hemi Orange. I am not keeping the car original since motor is not, plan on of course disc brake upgrade and replacing all the suspension components. Needs all new interior and most of what I had was in storage separate from car and suffered really bad water damage over the years in storage. Current problem that I need to tackle is all the rust in the cowl behind the firewall, there is through wall corrosion into the interior compartment and also through the firewall. I have my work cut out with repairing that. Why a C-Body?? My Dad bought a brand new one in 1965 and kept it most all of his life, and it of course became the hand me down car through older sister, then me, then my brother. So wanted one again ever since those old days ,(except this one doesn't have a 318 automatic!). Just got to quit working on my 1989 Jeep Comanche but that is another story! I hope you enjoy the pictures!
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That's just too tidy, but it does look good.
Thanks!! Yes it is just like having another room in the house that you have to keep clean! Thanks for looking! I'll have to update with some pictures of the Plymouth (or Rust Bucket as my Wife refers to it).
where's the waitress with the menu?? I'm ready to order!! Kidding aside nice place you got there,,,congrats!! Now let's see the cars!
I could screw that up in less then ah day. Total time frame open depending on if I waz squirtin' paint or or pullin' and engine and tranz. Ustah have an Ice Cream joint looked like that in Ann Arbor, Mi. He waz ah car guy too, kinda? I like it but too clean for me. Remember Pigpen in the Snoopy gang? That'z me, Jer

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