1958 Dodge Custom Royal manual steering box adjustment .


Dec 10, 2020
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Gympie Area , QLD,Australia
Still waiting for my FSM to turn up so ......
I have read some different posts about adjusting a manual steering box .
First step is to adjust the preload on the bearings on the input shaft .
It mentions there is a large lock nut and adjustment on the cup inside this .
I can't find this on my steering box .
Would it be inside the steering column housing (yellow arrow ) and if so i guess i would have to slide the column back ?
Adjustment for steering wheel slop is obvious to me on the top of the box .
Also , what is the wire coming out of the end of the steering box (white arrow) ?

Manual steering box.jpg
The adjustment on the top of the box is what many people perceive to be the "play" adjustment.

What is NOT considered is that if the adjustment on the input side of the gearbox is not in spec, THAT is where the "play" originates. If you gently turn the steering wheel in the "free play" zone, you can see the column move in and out from that point on the gearbox. That happens before the innards of the gearbox do anything! So having THAT adjustment is key to the whole situation, to me.

I have used the topside adjustment, as have others. to seek to adjust-out wear/slack. It is totally possible to have that adjustment too tight, so the wheel will not self-center after a turn, even with power steering, and still have "free play" in the steering wheel. Been there, tried that.

Just my experiences and observations,