For Sale 1972 polara wagon

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Feb 1, 2014
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1972 Dodge Polara 9 Passenger Wagon

Screw college, keep the wagon and go to tech school or OJT in the utility field. $15,000 (If he even got close to that) won't pay much more than a semester at most colleges.....
....has issues that are easy to address ....well fix them!! ....15k with issues need to go back to high sch....hmmmm! Take it arithmatic isnt your major!?!?
Cons: Not enough pictures of the interior. Also no engine picture(s). Blacked out hood, scoop, and side exhaust suck in my opinion. They don't go on a station wagon for a reason. I understand that he wanted to look bad-*** going to school in an older car, but if you need to save for college, why did you buy a wagon? Lastly as @Golden Banana said, if it has issues that can be addressed then fix em.

Pros: At least he knows his stuff about the car. This "kid" could be the next generation that carries on the Mopar, especially the C-body name. The interior seems to be original from the picture. Also, he is already college bound using the word plethora
Adults go to college too.

I like the car being wrong in the ways it is, can't have them all be stock. Yeah, if the issues are simple, then fix them! But he can get any pictures you ask for, and does seem to know more than a lot of people selling cars on CL. He must be talking Canadian dollars.
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Screw college, keep the wagon and go to tech school or OJT in the utility field. $15,000 (If he even got close to that) won't pay much more than a semester at most colleges.....
Agreed. There’s a shortage of people in the trades, but the drumbeat of college as a must goes on. College has become high school with ashtrays. On top of that, our kids can’t get an education without a political indoctrination. That said, its a nice looking car. If its solid it could be returned to something resembling normal and be beautiful.
That's my old car. Original 360. Originally green. Purchased from a used car dealer in southern Ohio around 2003. You can see, I'm not the guy who trashed it.

72Polarawagon-1.jpg guys are kinda jerks. Seriously. Almost as bad as Corvette guys. I could see if everyone was of the same mindset, even the same generation. But we aren't. Is this exactly how I'd want my car? Probably not
...mostly because I prefer a Plymouth over a Dodge, but I can appreciate his passion for HIS car. Saying someone 'messed' a car up, one they own, because YOU don't like it...that's horrible.
Who on here didn’t try to make modifications to their car in high school? Unless someone had a newer car or no mechanical abilities, modifications were how we learned and gave an old hand me down or low budget car some bling. Some were cool and some were a little tacky, some modifications worked some didn’t.
Freedom of speech.. My opinion the modifications make the car look like **** now. But it's his car, his money that he spent on the aftermarket stuff and now his problem to sell the car at a decent price.

Although I've to admit that it grinds my gears when I see those before /after pics.
I don't understand why someone has to modify /ruin /tune a rare original car instead of getting a junkyarddog that's already beyond the point of being original
freedom of speech? THAT'S the excuse you wanna use to comfort yourself as you degrade another person's personal preference? It's boarder line gearhead hate speech.

Remember, most people didn't care about the same cars some of us cherish. Often times, and still to this day, Cbodies are found in a field with the drivetrain ripped out. Another sacrifice to the A,B and E body car gods.
While I might agree that some cars (very few actually) need to restored or preserved, the rarity or originality of a vehicle means nothing to me. If I found a 'rare' GT car at a reasonable price (rusted or without a driveline), I'd cut it up and do as I want so that I could drive the hell out of it, even if It might upset some of the 'purist'. You know, folks who only drive their cars when the weather is 72.5° and only a few hundred miles a year.
Again, I might not agree with his version of a wagon (but I just might) nor the sale price (it seems a little high, especially when that could purchase a decent A or B body car) publically degrading someone's project isn't helping our hobby.
This site has a wealth of information and knowledge and some extremely beautiful cars. I've been a quiet member here, as well as Drydock and Moparts, for almost a decade (longer on Moparts) I can honestly say that the negative comments have gitten worse...and that isn't really helping our hobby.
Sorry for the rant, let's try to be a bit more positive with our freedom of speech, please.
freedom of speech? THAT'S the excuse you wanna use to comfort yourself as you degrade another person's personal preference? It's boarder line gearhead hate speech.

Remember, most people didn't care about the same cars some of us cherish. Often times, and still to this day, Cbodies are found in a field with the drivetrain ripped out. Another sacrifice to the A,B and E body car gods.
While I might agree that some cars (very few actually) need to restored or preserved, the rarity or originality of a vehicle means nothing to me. If I found a 'rare' GT car at a reasonable price (rusted or without a driveline), I'd cut it up and do as I want so that I could drive the hell out of it, even if It might upset some of the 'purist'. You know, folks who only drive their cars when the weather is 72.5° and only a few hundred miles a year.
Again, I might not agree with his version of a wagon (but I just might) nor the sale price (it seems a little high, especially when that could purchase a decent A or B body car) publically degrading someone's project isn't helping our hobby.
This site has a wealth of information and knowledge and some extremely beautiful cars. I've been a quiet member here, as well as Drydock and Moparts, for almost a decade (longer on Moparts) I can honestly say that the negative comments have gitten worse...and that isn't really helping our hobby.
Sorry for the rant, let's try to be a bit more positive with our freedom of speech, please.
Are you new to the internet?
I'll try not to put things too, too negatively. My gripe here is not that the dude modified the car nor how he went about it. Much of what he did is reversible (assuming he didn't chop the original hood). However, a 15,000 C Body this is not. Not by a rather large stretch. Regardless of the original parts stored or work and parts put to it.

I've done it. I took a gorgeous 68 Monaco 25,000 mi survivor, ripped the engine, trans, rear end and suspension out, built a big horse and torque 440 backed by a rugged 727 .. spend WAY too much to make that car some sort of unlikely street/strip star (my feelings about it having been a better looking car than this wagon all modification considered are secondary). I mean in the tens of thousands on top of the purchase price of 3,000.00 USD. This is where my gripe is. For that "in the tens of thousands" I put into that Monaco, I sold it for exactly a grand over what what I paid for it and that was after stubbornly shooting down offers against a 6,000.00 asking for two years.

You can modify a car however much you want mechanically, aesthetically, whatever. When it comes time to unload, you can basically take the value of the car before you did any of that stuff, subtract the time and money it'd take to reverse or change all that work you did and expect that amount. While you may (magically find another person who shares your personal vision) get your asking, it's highly unlikely.
In my honest opinion, I just don't at all like the blacked out hood, the side exhaust, and no outside mirror. The wheel/rim choice is excellent, and I like the A12 scoop idea.
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