1973 New Yorker Brougham - Power Window Crimp Terminals


New Member
Aug 7, 2022
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United Kingdom
Am undertaking a full Rewire of the power window electrics on my 2 door 73 NYB.
Couple of questions, firstly wiring diagrams, downloaded one from My Mopar archive but it's for the 4dr and doesn't document power windows. Where might be the best document to find this data?

Secondly and probably more challenging is the crimp connectors in the switch terminal(think the seat switch might use the same method). It's a right angled crimp that securing on the pins on the switch but not a connector I've seen elsewhere.

Need to identify them, and then establish whether I can get them shipped to the UK.

Many thanks in advance.


Am undertaking a full Rewire of the power window electrics on my 2 door 73 NYB.
Couple of questions, firstly wiring diagrams, downloaded one from My Mopar archive but it's for the 4dr and doesn't document power windows. Where might be the best document to find this data?

Secondly and probably more challenging is the crimp connectors in the switch terminal(think the seat switch might use the same method). It's a right angled crimp that securing on the pins on the switch but not a connector I've seen elsewhere.

Need to identify them, and then establish whether I can get them shipped to the UK.

Many thanks in advance. View attachment 690117

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These are very similar and they do work, although a slight tweak with a pair of pliers might be needed. I've used them in my '70 300.

Ford Fuel Pump Sending Unit Replacement Terminal Connector 14 16 AWG

A little tweaking


There's a little bit of hot melt glue holding the wires in place here.

I just noticed the link I listed above shows "Out of stock". I did a quick search and this popped up. It sounds expensive until you see there are 5 in a package, so that should be 20 connectors and 5 of those insulators. The insulators are obviously not needed, but it's not too crazy to figure a dollar each for the connectors.

The ones in the first link are cheaper and I know they do restock them as I ran into this once before, but sometimes you can't wait. I'd do some more searches based on the part name and you may come up with more.

Ford Fuel Pump Sending Unit Connector
Am undertaking a full Rewire of the power window electrics on my 2 door 73 NYB.
Couple of questions, firstly wiring diagrams, downloaded one from My Mopar archive but it's for the 4dr and doesn't document power windows. Where might be the best document to find this data?

Secondly and probably more challenging is the crimp connectors in the switch terminal(think the seat switch might use the same method). It's a right angled crimp that securing on the pins on the switch but not a connector I've seen elsewhere.

Need to identify them, and then establish whether I can get them shipped to the UK.

Many thanks in advance. View attachment 690117

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This is a photo from the 1973 shop manual. This site reduces the quality down to 72 dpi when images are posted, so PM me and I can email you the full version if you like.

As for the connectors, a couple ideas for sources below. May have to call them and send a photo to see if they have them. @Devinism may have some ideas too.

Raw Materials - Narragansett Reproductions - Wiring Harnesses and car restoration supplies

Power Window Locks Wiring Diagram.jpeg
I absolutely love seeing your posts. I need a hot glue gun in the shop.
The hot glue is a genius idea just to locate the cables whilst assembling the plug.
Frustratingly those terminals arent available in the UK and price wise the postage is crippling.
@Big_John I got nothing, other than good used or those Ford fuel pump terminals.

A quick 1 minute soak in a white vinegar / salt solution, followed by a baking soda / water solution should clean the originals quite nicely. I would then solder the terminals to the original wiring.
And those blue and yellow butt connections....... replace with solder and shrink wrap.