1978 NY'er Blue Leather Steering Wheel Mod

Show me something that you did that I haven't been able to do yet and you'll make the grade too....

I resolved the wiper cam/bushing issue on my '78 Newport.

Bloom-20130111-00458.jpgSt. John-20130111-00456.jpg

Does that count?


St. John-20130111-00456.jpg
Quite often and even more when looking at the parts catalog.
It must have been quite the sight seeing that wheel spinning on a lathe... :icon_compress:

I think we need to get Joey to find us a new smiley for a sawzall. Maybe a variation on this: :chain saw:
That bright light in the background is Walter P. observing.............
It was just weird trying to take the picture and couldn't get away from that glare.
You run a tight ship.:icon_salut: I'll do my best.