67 Dodge Monaco trunk lid lettering


Senior Member
Aug 10, 2016
Reaction score
Hi all,

I’m a tad confused here. The “Monaco” lettering on the trunk lid of a 67 Monaco, clearly the lower pins on the letters are held in by a strange variant of a speed nut with (what was) like a rubber protection sleeve over the protruding excess of the pin. Three of mine were busted off and I managed to get the remaining lower ones off.

The upper pin which protrudes into the frame of the trunk lid appears to be held in with some sort of snap anchor or something and (as they are inside the structural channel) there very little access to them.

I’m just wondering if anyone has successfully removed these w/o damaging the pin or if this is just a “bust it off” deal. I’d prefer not to waste the letters but I’d also prefer to not waste a bunch of time if that’s the only way they come out.

Kind of silly that they didn’t leave more access room for this. The Dodge script on the hood has all the room in the world.

thanks for any help!