Alternator or regulator.


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2018
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East Texas
Still having an issue with my 68 300 charging system. Rebuilt alt and new mechanical voltage reg. Grounds are good, took voltage reading at battery. Start up 12.5, continues to slowly rise after a few minutes to 16 volts, reg starts to smoke and I shut down the engine. I am not sure what to look for next. The gauge does charge, when I unplug the regulator it goes to discharge. Electrical systems and wiring are my weakness. Suggestions, ideas, tips?
If your voltage goes to 16V, You definitely have a bad regulator.
The alternator will normally generate around 17 volts. The regulator's job is to cut it down around 14.3 or 4. Get a different regulator and make sure the case ground is less than 1.2 ohm.
16v is an excessive rate of charge. A new regulator will sometimes give off a little smoke as they sometimes have some preservative sprayed on the resistance strips on the back. Regulator is probably defective, especially if it is a Carcrap or Autobone unit made in China. I would suggest finding a used unit at a u-pullit yard as a cheap way to see if the regulator is defective. As noted, be sure to check the mount for the regulator as the unit needs a good ground to function properly.

I think I did get this one at a local napa. I will get another one and see what happens. Big John mentioned adjusting the one I have. Will check into this. I just dont want to keep running long like this.
The adjustment procedure is in the FSM. Need a good thermometer to measure ambient temps for that adjustment.

Still having an issue with my 68 300 charging system. Rebuilt alt and new mechanical voltage reg. Grounds are good, took voltage reading at battery. Start up 12.5, continues to slowly rise after a few minutes to 16 volts, reg starts to smoke and I shut down the engine. I am not sure what to look for next. The gauge does charge, when I unplug the regulator it goes to discharge. Electrical systems and wiring are my weakness. Suggestions, ideas, tips?
Mechanical voltage regulators have a history of being unreliable. Yours is junk.
I think some new one-wire voltage regulators are quality electronic units rather than the mechanical junk. You may want to PM @FURYGT for more info. See link below.
For Sale - Reproduction Solid State (Electronic) Voltage Regulators for '69 & Earlier MOPARS - $15 @ Carlisle for FCBO Members
I just clicked on his link and ebay link and product no longer found. Bout my luck.
I ditched my mechanical VR years ago for a solid state unit when I had my alternator rebuilt and have not had an issue since.