Aluminum door sill restoration?

Leanna is too modest .. those valve covers have 6 different colors on them and are a work of art. They belong to an FBBO member .. MarPar. They are Awesome right Stan?

Link to MarPar's valve covers over at FBBO:!!!&highlight=valve+covers

LMAO @ all of you with your bong hits and shrooms! Heyyyyy, what can I say? You KNOW that inspiration has to come from somewhere, right???


[cough cough cough cough cough] Ooooooooooooh, pretttttty colorssssssssss ................. :D LOL

Tallhair, I thank you kindly but I don't really know about the modesty thing. I'm just a motorhead like the rest of ya'll and have never been any kind of salesperson; I tell it like it is without invoking the usual song-and-dance BS to get people in the door. If they like what they see under their buddy's hood, they might call me. I just try to do the best I can with what I've got to work with and let the beauty underneath all the grunge come through.

The shop's 6th Anniversary is coming up on May 31. It might be time for a special that encompasses ALL of the FABO sister sites this year. You have all made me feel very much at home and a little Thank You may be in order. :D
How's the weed growing in Fla. ? :)
The grow houses have really been cracked down on but it was crap **** anyway.
Usually laced with heroin or meth. Cubans taking all the shortcuts.
Buy California Certified Medicinal. A brand you can trust.
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The Michigan grown stuff is pretty good too..... I feel SO much better these days..... In fact, I might be cured....! But will stick to the pescribed medicine just to be sure.:Santa2:
Leanna & co. do the nicest work I've ever seen. I'm gonna have to find something to have powder coated.

Good healthy primo crops in Cbus. Don't even get me started on the ridiculous weed laws in this country.

Einstein said something like: there is nothing more destructive of faith in the government than passing laws which cannot be enforced.
Of all the crazy laws in the People's Republic of Maryland, the Governor (O'Malley who is running for President in 2016) just enacted a medicinal weed law that is under a controlled test run for now.
It's getting better alright.

Oh, you meant the laws. Yeah they're getting better too.
Thanks Stormer! :D

There's not much of an "& co." though LOL. It's just me and Billy, and he helps me out with initial blasting, welding up jigs when I need them, and takes care of the shop maintenance for the most part. I could use a few more CudaChick Clones for the real work ........ but they're always out behind the shop passin around a fattie.
You guys never inhaled either or had real sex with interms I bet. :)
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If you have some time you can make them look alot better for not much money. I'm sure I'm in for lots of polishing but my process was: All by hand or drill. I have no bench polisher/grinder. My first attempt with rouges.
1)soft wire brush on hand drill . This will add some scratches but knock out all the spots and any of the shine that might be there. One big dull slight scratched sill.
2)hit all over but especially bigger scratches with 220 sand paper.
3)all over with 1000 sp...wet was easier
4)hand drill, sissal wheel, black cutting rouge. Use pressure on scratched areas. Will heat up, don't burn it.
5)hand drill, sewn cotton wheel, green stainless steel rouge...maybe not necessary but I was on a roll.
6)hand drill, loose cotton wheel,white polishing rouge
7)clean with thinner
8)polish with Mothers aluminum polish

From the pics you can see plenty of imperfections, but really, mine were just like yours with a little more scratches than spots. I figure wont feel so bad when they scratch up again with use...I can always redo this. I may clear coat, we will see.



