Fuselage picture thread

hello my name is twan i live in the Netherlands my inglich wrhitting is not so good as you see i was in german ther whit my car it was very nice cant wait til nex time this is a picture of my car i have now for 9 years
This was a junk yard visit a few years ago...located in American Canyon, CA (By Vallejo)

This was the only Fuselage there, although there was a couple slab-era Imperials there as well.
Forget the River Boat Cruise we’ve been looking into. I gotta talk her into cruising with these guys. I DO like that blue Polara 2dr back a few posts.
I've been a part of caravans . It hard enough to keep three cars together let alone 30.
While some think it's cool, especially those involved , most uninvolved either don' t pay attention to it or find it frustrating .
I know I can't tolerate 150 motorcycles driving together. While they think it's cool , I think Geee look at all these homos in my way ...