Have a priest bless my car?


Jun 3, 2022
Reaction score
North Canaan, CT
When I acquired my car, we opened up the trunk because I wanted to inspect the car, and the main thing that stuck out was this old beat up cabbage patch kid, I asked the guy if he wanted his doll back and he creepily said he bought the car with the doll in it, the doll stays with the car. Now I don’t buy into haunted stuff but what are your thoughts so far I keep the doll there but should I remove it?
Do not remove it! You have no idea what you've gotten yourself into. A regular priest cannot handle this, and may make the situation worse if an attempt is made. He can however direct you to the proper channels to rectify the situation.
As long as it doesn't look like this I'd toss it.

Put in the trunk of the next car you sell.
Like a chain letter, keep it going.
The doll belongs to the car, clean and restore doll for good luck. Christine and Chucky lol
ummmm, I would consider that you should leave it in the trunk and make it comfortable and always say hi to it when you get things out of the trunk. If you try to do it any harm or toss it, you may regret what you have done because you never know what may spawn from bad intentions towards the doll which in turn the doll may call on a friend.......
If you remove it that’s your call but don’t throw that doll away. You may change your mind for whatever reason , you never know.
Well now its a funny story, keep it just for laughs. Or you could just put it under the back seat for a future owner to find!
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If you research the doll and figure out it's name, you can Christen the vehicle with the doll's name and then safely remove it from the vehicle.
Stick it under one wheel and power brake over it. As the dolll explodes under the wildly spinning tire, the parts get spit out to wherever! If it is reassembled the next morning, burn it with fire!
Its ridden in the trunk long enough. Strap it into the passenger seat so you always have somebody to talk to.
You should definitely keep it. A good conversation piece and a fun story. Besides, when a doll is bound to an object like that, who knows what you might unleash by disturbing it haha!