For Sale looks like we may have another 300 TNT car (?) but 25K?

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Jun 29, 2015
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1970 Chrysler 300 Convertible

Posted: 7 days ago

favorite this post 1970 Chrysler 300 Convertible - $24250 (Texas Panhandle) hide this posting
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1970 Chrysler 300

condition: excellent
cylinders: 8 cylinders
drive: rwd
fuel: gas
paint color: black
size: full-size
title status: clean
transmission: automatic
type: convertible

This rust-free indoor-kept convertible is available for purchase. I have many detailed photos for prospective buyer. There is no rust-thru in the bottom or the sheet metal. The bucket seats were a rare option. While not perfect, the car shows a lifetime of good care.

Be advised that this car is for sale to a BONA FIDE purchaser. This posting is NOT intended to start a series of hobbyist-type conversations. Purchase settlement will be accomplished by conventional means such as wire transfer between bank accounts. Be upfront in your response. If your reply gives me ANY reason to be suspicious that you are not on the up-and-up, you'll never hear back from me. The car has been in storage for several years, and while it is very exciting to drive around, it should be transported to a place where it can be carefully serviced before attempting to drive it any distance. The car is available for inspection by BONA FIDE appointment.
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After seeing the prices on the patched up 300 verts, I'm thinking that his high asking price might not be that far out of line. Think about it, A black TNT vert with air, discs etc. It is a very desirable car by almost any standard. The only thing I don't like about the car is the wheels and the stripe.

The high price might be to scare away the tire kickers too. The selling price could be quite a bit different, especially if the guy has never had a sincere buyer.
1970 Chrysler 300 Convertible

.....The car is available for inspection by BONA FIDE appointment.
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Seller seems paranoid and delusional particularly on the asking price. If I were a BONA FIDE buyer I'd be nervous contacting what seems like a high maintenance seller. If the car is as advertised it is a beauty and should go from 10-15K IMHO.
well, couldn't resist, just in case, Here's what I got...(looks like a real TNT...)

Old Car Value Guide supports a price of around $29000 as I remember. Since the car is not absolutely perfect we priced it substantially lower. What do you have in mind? I must tell you that there is a buyer whose offer we have agreed whose funds should be available on June 1. Until we have money, the car is for sale. First money takes it.

Dale, my camera would not give me a clear read on the data plate so I transcribed it. You can see that the car was built as it is. I hav underlined the two points of question. Mike Rollins

Contents of Data Plate—1970 Chrysler 300 Convertible

VIN [from plate; top of left side of i/p read thru windshield glass]


Data plate on top of radiator support in front of battery:






one more regarding original paint....

Dale, the original paint was silver which was notorious for short life in our sunny Southwest until clearcoating became well refined in the late nineties. The car was repainted a long time ago and is so well done I was not aware of the repaint. One of my prospects pointed out that the original color was silver according to the data plate. "There are four or five very small chips that could be touched up with a small drop of paint. The car has obviously been kept inside all its life. The present owner does not know the car was repainted. Documentation I have seen indicates the car was originally sold less than 100 miles from its present location. Mike
The seller sounds a little more sane now. Interesting on the repaint. It would have been sharp in silver... painting it black for the Texas sun sounds insane.
one more regarding original paint....

...The car was repainted a long time ago and is so well done I was not aware of the repaint... The present owner does not know the car was repainted...

I wonder if it is really his to sell, given the remark about the "present" owner.
Sagging springs, bad wheels, wrong color, no, not worth 25K. It will need 5k to put it back to where it is supposed to be. Then again it's not a '69 and it's not red......

He has agreed to accept an offer from a buyer that will pay on June 1?


Show up with 10k cash and you could probably drive it home, but first get pics that aren't 4 years old and photos of the interior. Seriously, why would someone be in such a hurry to to take the original pics that they couldn't wait until the guy was finished washing the car first?
I like this car! I love black exterior, no matter what the original color is...

Would I pay 24K for it?


I still like it!
1970 Chrysler 300 Convertible

Posted: 7 days ago

favorite this post 1970 Chrysler 300 Convertible - $24250 (Texas Panhandle) hide this posting
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1970 Chrysler 300

condition: excellent
cylinders: 8 cylinders
drive: rwd
fuel: gas
paint color: black
size: full-size
title status: clean
transmission: automatic
type: convertible

This rust-free indoor-kept convertible is available for purchase. I have many detailed photos for prospective buyer. There is no rust-thru in the bottom or the sheet metal. The bucket seats were a rare option. While not perfect, the car shows a lifetime of good care.

Be advised that this car is for sale to a BONA FIDE purchaser. This posting is NOT intended to start a series of hobbyist-type conversations. Purchase settlement will be accomplished by conventional means such as wire transfer between bank accounts. Be upfront in your response. If your reply gives me ANY reason to be suspicious that you are not on the up-and-up, you'll never hear back from me. The car has been in storage for several years, and while it is very exciting to drive around, it should be transported to a place where it can be carefully serviced before attempting to drive it any distance. The car is available for inspection by BONA FIDE appointment.
  • do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offers

I called and talked to this guy over a year ago. He is a "retired" dealer who is selling the car for a "friend." At the time I talked to him, he claimed the car to be a "No.1 Car", but I could not rate the car any higher than a low '3'. Given that the car has been repainted, the car now, in my opinion, sinks to at least a '4'. However, like Big John says, if the car is really solid, straight and rust free, it could be a good buy - but not for $25K.

As I remember, the car is located just across the Texas line in Oklahoma in a town that is kind of out-of-the-way, so I guess the guy has been beaten to death by a lot of callers, but not many have showed up in person. I betcha that if someone showed up there with $15K or $16K in cash, a deal could probably be made. The guy has got to be pretty tired of dealing with the car and all the hassle that goes with it by now. . . Also, I bet his "friend" needs his money more now than he did a tear ago.
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