Mathilda, Our Lovely 66 Newport, Wantonly DESTROYED by a Gen Xcrement Sociopath!

Gerald Morris

Senior Member
Mar 9, 2016
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Even now, over 2.5 days after the crime, I grieve and rage for the BEST automobile God ever permitted me to own and drive, our 1966 Chrysler Newport, lovingly called "Mathilda" by all in my little family. All this summer, I've dreaded some tragedy, with good reason. Monday, September 13, at 0730, it occurred as I was driving my little 3 yr old autistic daughter home with me after dropping my wife and 6 yr old off at the elementary school where one works and the other is taking her first tentative steps into a society which has sought my own dissolution since I was younger than she. This hateful day, one specimen of these struck a SEVERE existential blow against all of us, by effectively destroying our one and only automobile at a time when we need her more than ever.


This was Mathilda, March 10, 2016. I had not even changed the license tags to my own yet.


This is how she is, Sept 15, 2021. Alas, I will have to retire this tag, and get my MONEY BACK FROM THE STATE FOR REGISTRATION, WHICH WAS GOOD UNTIL 2023!!!

The handywork of a fat, middle aged Gen X sociopath armed with a late model Infinity SUV, a cell phone and E-cigarette and a complete lack of Conscience or soul. I know what I say; I ran her background check and she has 5 aliases and has abode in at least 13 residential addresses in less than a decade. She seems to like registered sex-offenders for boyfriends too.

That monster was facing north at an intersection of an avenue with the road I was bound east on. There was NO traffic, yet this ugly ***** waited until I was nigh half through the intersection, THEN DROVE RIGHT OUT IN FRONT OF US, TURNING RIGHT TO HEAD EAST, PLACING THE REAR DRIVER SIDE CORNER OF THE SUV DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF MATHILDA'S MIDDLE!!! I SWERVED LEFT and BROKE HARD, the squeal of Tilly's tires audible over everything else, to brake our 35 mph east velocity just enough to prevent damage to the unibody frame structure. ITS STILL STRAIGHT!!! Now the front STUB frame is another matter.

My own right ulna fetched a hard crack on the steering wheel, as did my skull, but naught got broken there. I had a nasty bruise until today. God be THANKED and St. Joseph, Patron of Fathers and mechanics! Those brakes worked perfectly, but I had scarcely 3 feet to brake IN, and the evil ***** hit her own brakes too! SHE WANTED TO BE REAR ENDED!!!!

God bless the Tucson Police Dept officer who came though! He saw how things had occurred, charged the GenXcrement ***** for her traffic crime, and made sure I got well distanced from that monster and her charming beau, who resembled a registered sex offender in her most recent known residential location VERY CLOSELY. Now, PERHAPS I'm a trifle biased, but that ne'er-do-well looking SOB SURE LOOKS LIKE AN EX CONVICT, and I've known FAR too many such in this town.

Anyway, the very few words I heard from this succubus sufficed to alert me to her nature:" Oh it's Okay, I have FULL COVERAGE!!!" That was ALL I needed to hear from her upper orifice to KNOW what I was dealing with, and that I had best get cracking to find a lawyer and do some background checking.

It's not "okay."


She admitted her culpability even!! "Oh, its ALL MY FAULT!" she cheerfully gloated, even before that last remark, which effected me so that the Good Officer very quickly urged me away from her, seeing rightly that her provocative mouth made matters potentially dangerous. I'm grateful for that.

AAAAAANYWAY, I believe, despite the ugly state of the front passenger side quarter, that this car can be made roadworthy again. The stub frame is a loss, but I already have been seeking one for the past 2 years, so NOW I just have a more urgent situation. While the quarter panel is CLEARLY RUINED, the FENDER can be pulled back to a close approximation of its original shape, or just replaced.

And the rest of that front can likewise be unbolted, or hacked off if needs be. Then the replacement parts can be boIted on. I can do all this labor myself, except any sheetmetal crafting. THAT I'll want a "pro" to help with or do.

My GREATEST FEAR comes from whether the filthy insurance racketeers will properly compensate me and mine for this horrible act of Stupidity, Recklessness or Worse of which we clearly are victims. I'm guardedly optimistic that the police recorded the facts of the matter well enough.

Aside from insurance crapitalist perfidy, I fear the scarcity of affordable parts, thanks to evil foreign flippers, and worse, FEDERAL BUYERS who have busied themselves DESTROYING ALL PRE-COMPUTER AUTOMOBILES BECAUSE THESE POWERMONGERING PERVERTS BEGRUDGE US THE FREEDOM TO GO TO A LIQUOR STORE OR A TOBACCONIST WITHOUT THEIR INTERFERENCE!!!! That "Cash for Clunkers" operation by far offends me more than anything else perpetrated by Barak Hussein Obama. I note now that Orange Mop-top did NOTHING to STOP that vile filth either.


Mathilda told Folks this, very eloquently, and the Morris Family got MUCH Love and Admiration for driving that FINE OLD RUNNING ARTIFACT on these impoverished streets. I note now that the evil monster that has so severely damaged Mathilda doesn't come from here. That thing came from western Pennsylvania. Why it chose to infest our barrios I don't know, but fear it is for no good at all.

I will do all I can, with the help of God and Man, to save this car. If any reader of this "eulogy" can help, it will be welcome.

P.S. Here are some more pictures of the damage.

Note the bend in the stub frame, visible in line of the angle steel also bent by impacting the corner of that SUV.
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I'm really sorry to see a wrecked car, but you're incredibly lucky that your child didn't die. A tremendous tirade when you were clearly distracted, her insurance company will have a field day with this post if they find it, and you should delete it. Pay attention to safety seats and other drivers both.
Sorry to hear about your car and very glad that no one was hurt badly but yes, start by editing some details from this thread.
I'm glad you and your little one are fine. The metal can be fixed or replaced. Will this be your first time dealing with the insurance man? If so, don't let them push you around. It was their client's fault (according to the story above) and it is now their issue.

The handywork of a fat, middle aged Gen X sociopath armed with a late model Infinity SUV, a cell phone and E-cigarette and a complete lack of Conscience or soul.

You really painted a picture for me. :lol: I'm failure with the type as I see them everywhere nowadays. They are part of the reason I don't ride motorcycles right now and very much the reason I avoid driving my old cars into and/or around large cities.
Sorry to learn of the situation. Glad everybody is fine, except for Tillie.

Your insusrance company should work on your behalf to get the Tillie repaired. Then they should "go after the person who was at fault's" insurance company. Just make sure they do.

Hopefully, there are a few donor vehicles in your area that can be used to repair Tillie. Insurance companies usually like to see the work be done by a repair shop on their "approved" list. This protects them and you. If needed, her company could also supply a rental car, if needed? They might desire to "total" Tillie, possibly, as the repair cost could exceed their derived market value of Tillie. If they do that, then you can choose to repurchase the car from them and do what you might desire at your expense and such. In any settlement, be sure to seek some "pain and suffering" compensation. IF her insurance company does "the right thing", they might includ that money in any settlement. Which means that you will need coopies of any medical "check-outs" of yourself and your daughter, for good measure. I also suspect they might move quickly to get things settled, but do not accept any payments from them quickly until you (and any others involved) are happy with the settlement AND are sure that no further compensation might be necessary. Once you accept their check, the case for such is closed. BTAIM

Hopefully, Tillie will live another day to provide the safe and reliable transportation y'all have enjoyed in the past. Slabs are some of the best-strength bodies that Chrysler had ever built, then and now, from what I've seen over the years. Sorry this situation became a part of your life.

Take care,
Very sorry that this happened. Very glad that no one was seriously injured.

You may be correct that she was trying to stage an accident to collect $'s from your insurance company.
It stinks about your car. I would do like suggested, and try to find a parts car. You won't know the complete damage until you take it apart. If the stub frame is not to bad, a good frame shop could pull it back into place, less work than replacing. I hope you had an agreed insurance policy on it. The other company will try to claim it was just an old car, and not a collector vehicle.
Don't expect anything "speedy" from the insurance companies. My son's car got hit by a drunk ***** with a suspended license in November 2019. He finally got the settlement LAST WEEK, and that was with the help of attorneys. Keep in mind, insurance companies don't care about you, they want to get out of things as quickly and cheaply as they can.


Most lawyers that handle accident cases do not charge a fee at all unless a settlement is achieved. My son got ALL of his medical taken care of, plus his car got totalled; so the insurance paid the car off - he had the car 20 DAYS. The woman hit my son from behind at 45 mph while he was stopped at a red light. His VW Passat saved his life, no doubt! It was actually drivable! My son had back and neck injuries that took over 18 months to heal fully. Car was totalled, of course, since no one wants to actually FIX a car anymore.

She was operating a vehicle with a suspended out-of-state license. Blew a .31. Had prior history of similar behavior. Plus, she had warrants out for her arrest in two states, to start with, so she spent a couple of months in County for that alone. Of course, she blamed my son. He was stopped for a light, and got knocked into the intersection!
I don't know if the cops could have held me back.
I know and feel your pain

"GenXcrememt *****". I like that!

BLESS YOU STAN! My 3 yr old held me with far greater restraint than the Keystone Kops. You've my blessing to use any Morris phrases you wish. One fave: "Head OUT OF ***, FOOT ON THE GAS!" at traffic signals where GenXcrementalists masturbate with their "Smarter than Gen Xcrement" phones and cannabis pipes. If folks can't handle their vices, then they need to PUT THEM DOWN!
Don't expect anything "speedy" from the insurance companies. My son's car got hit by a drunk ***** with a suspended license in November 2019. He finally got the settlement LAST WEEK, and that was with the help of attorneys. Keep in mind, insurance companies don't care about you, they want to get out of things as quickly and cheaply as they can.


Most lawyers that handle accident cases do not charge a fee at all unless a settlement is achieved. My son got ALL of his medical taken care of, plus his car got totalled; so the insurance paid the car off - he had the car 20 DAYS. The woman hit my son from behind at 45 mph while he was stopped at a red light. His VW Passat saved his life, no doubt! It was actually drivable! My son had back and neck injuries that took over 18 months to heal fully. Car was totalled, of course, since no one wants to actually FIX a car anymore.

She was operating a vehicle with a suspended out-of-state license. Blew a .31. Had prior history of similar behavior. Plus, she had warrants out for her arrest in two states, to start with, so she spent a couple of months in County for that alone. Of course, she blamed my son. He was stopped for a light, and got knocked into the intersection!

APPLE-SOOO-LOOTELY!!! One MUST have a Shyster in this country, these ultra-putrid days more than ever before.
I'm glad that you and your daughter are ok. A real shame about the car.

God bless you! You know, Bishop Kicanas, and Fr David Gonzales first blessed Mathilda about 5 yrs ago. After all, we BOUGHT her to PROTECT OUR CHILDREN. Tilly served that purpose. Pity the culprit had that SUV so AGLED (~45 degrees) at the time of impact to optimize the strength of her impact point with the flat plane of Mathilda's front end.

Domine, fiat voluntas tua.

That sometimes is hard to keep down though. Even Jesus quoted a Psalm, "Eli! Eli! Lama sabach thani?" when things were getting heavy for Him. Pray for us if you can.
It's YOUR car and the insurance company doesn't pay for the car, they pay for the LOSS IN THE VALUE of the car.
Stand firm on this.

I shan't, unless their bribe is truly big enough to make it worthwhile, which I doubt. Nope, I reckon I'll have to lawyer up on this.
Definitely contact a lawyer, particularly one that specializes in auto law and accidents like this. When I was involved in one before I was of driving age, it was a godsend for all parties...well, besides the truck that T-Boned us, but for me it was good (got $$$).

At least your frame seems to be good besides the stub frame and obviously your bumper/sheet metal are trashed. I don't know if Chryslers were the same but Imperials were banned from demo derbys because it was impossible to get to the radiator no matter how many times you hit it. I assume the C-Body Chrysler is the same here? And it looks like your radiator on the alternator side took a nasty hit though - trying to figure it out from the pictures. That's rough though, I don't know what I'd be feeling besides rage if that happened to my 68.

Hope it works out for you, somehow!
That sucks, and being in NJ it scares the crap out of me that I might have to actually drive my 300. I'm glad you all are ok, BUT the one thing I regret is not insisting my wife go to the hospital after she was rear-ended. Three years later and she is still having issues. So many things in the body take a few days to materialize. The insurance company only paid out $2k for the totaled car, but if there was an injury claim, we would have at least been able to get necessary medical help. Don't ignore head injuries no matter how minor!
I'm glad you and your daughter are OK... and it's good the cops came down on your side. That's a huge plus in your favor.

Keep this in mind... You two walked away especially given that she had let herself out of the car seat at the worst time. I understand the frustration, but at the end of the day though, it's just a car. They can be replaced... Focus on what you still have and how lucky you are to be OK.