My new `67 Imperial Crown Coupe!


Old Man with a Hat
FCBO Gold Member
Nov 14, 2010
Reaction score
I've had my eye on this one for a little while but it has been burried in a buddies pull barn so I couldn't get a good look at it, much less see that it ran and could move under its own power. Yesterday we unburried it, got it running after close to 2 years since it ran last and I got to give it a thurough once over. No rust on it having spent most of its life in eastern WA state and AZ before coming to MI on a transport and immediately parked in this building. I mean NO RUST! 135K miles on the odometer and in unrestored, original condition. I am going to leave it where it sits for the winter and work out some electrical issues and some leaks as well as go through the brakes and get the correct carb for it. Made a nice deal on it and look forward to putting some miles on it. Fender tag attached and hopefully a build sheet somewhere in that cavernous interior. Needs a good cleaning but here are some pics.





Thanks gents, for the kind words! Now I'm a c-body insider.
No. Not until you're upside down on the car by a factor of 5, minimum. :toothy12:

I'm not sure exactly what it's worth, but I would consider myself way ahead of the game on it from the get go with the deal that my buddy gave me on it and all of the parts that he has been acumulating for it for the last couple of years. This thing has working power vent windows up front! Never even knew there was such a thing.
First congrats on one outstanding ride :app: The fact that it is a very solid AZ car and that it came with an inventory of parts is an additional bonus. As with any C Body it is never a money making proposition so maybe the best approach is clean it up get it running and enjoy it. Are you planning anything major with the 440?
Needs correct carb and I will probably put the correct valve covers on it at some point but if it doesn't need anything my plan is just to drive and enjoy it.I have many other major projects that I need to finish, I bought this one as more of a driver. FOR NOW!
First congrats on one outstanding ride :app: The fact that it is a very solid AZ car and that it came with an inventory of parts is an additional bonus. As with any C Body it is never a money making proposition so maybe the best approach is clean it up get it running and enjoy it. Are you planning anything major with the 440?

It was only in AZ briefly, it was an eastern Washington state car up until about 4 years ago, which would explain the fact that it has no a/c from the factory. The 2 pics not of the engine are the 2 worst rust spots that I have found.



As you can probably tell I'm rather proud! Here is a shot of the front.

Wow, nice looking Imperial to see there are some nice ones still out there.

Thanks Buddy! Last visit to hang with my buddy and visit the Imperial, storing it where I bought it for the winter, I was handed a big envelope full of receipts, service manual, owners manual and the certicard. I love looking through this stuff and it turns out it was an eastern WA state car, not western as I was told but either way, it was well cared for its entire life.

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Really nice color combo, I have never seen the silver interior before... I like it.

BTW... Very nice work on your '68 Runner also.
Thanks Man! I had never seen anything like it either and when I first opened the door I new I had to have it. I absolutely can't wait to get it on the road after a couple of days of going through the systems and working out some electrical gremlins. This has been such a mild winter and I am starting to see some classics on the road around the Detroit area and I've got the itch to start cruising.
Thanks for the props on my Road Runner, really need to get that one finished this spring too.
Thanks Buddy! Last visit to hang with my buddy and visit the Imperial, storing it where I bought it for the winter, I was handed a big envelope full of receipts, service manual, owners manual and the certicard. I love looking through this stuff and it turns out it was an eastern WA state car, not western as I was told but either way, it was well cared for its entire life.

I hear you. After I purchased my Newport and I got her home I opened the glove box and found all sorts of dealer paper work, multiple oil change service receipts, owners manual and even a signed letter from the manager of the Chrysler dealership in 1970! I was gonna call just to see if he was still there but I think that particular dealership (it was in Brooklyn, NYC) is long gone now. I was floored and it was a great feeling to find all that. I've since sealed it in plastic to preserve it all.

I'm "green" with envy looking at your Imp pics again, you snagged a NICE one!
Thanks again guys, I do appreciate it. Part of the fun of owning these cars is showing them off and bragging them up and it's very satisfying when they are well received.
I remember your beautiful Imp now. What does she look like today?