Remembering Pearl Harbor

My Dad joined in the Navy in '46 He was on the USS Cadmus, a repair ship, for a couple months then served on the Wisconsin for a year. Though he joined when he was 18 and was considered a "Ruptured Duck" he served proudly as a WWII era veteran and I'm proud he did.
We went to a reunion together when they put the Wisconsin into moth balls at Nauticus in Norfolk back in '96. Awesome to be there with him and meet sailors the served aboard her until '93. Wow what a run she had.
God Bless America!
The USS Wisconsin provided fire for us in the Gulf War. I thought our 8" Howitzers were devastating until the Wisconsin started to fire her massive 16" guns. That was something to witness!

I also enjoyed touring the USS Wisconsin in Norfolk a few years ago. I had no idea how huge a battleship was.....
