Something For Stan

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That is the DUMBEST POS I have ever seen in my entire life. Severe case of clinical ghettoitis if I ever did see such.
Name can't be Ryan...not with a car that looks like that.
He never jumped it, it's a good deal !
I want to throw up.
If not out and out hunt him down and make him suffer through enough grammar classes to make him want to kill himself.

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Thank you. I appreciare the constant reminders oh how society is sinking so fast that I'll make it out by the skin of my teeth and you're all F&radic;¢&euro;£&Delta;.....

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You must love rubbing that in
It's the only satisfaction I can get now that I'm getting on in years. So many cars I'll never be able to slide my fat butt into the driver's seat of.

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He's owned so many different new cars of the day I couldn't catch up during the rest of my life.
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