Yes, it is I.

Cop car wagon

New Member
Dec 6, 2024
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After spending time with all of you on B bodies, I thought it was time to join C bodies. Lots of same people on here.
C body- The comfortable car that gets overlooked by the brightly colored tarts.
I've had C bodies as long as I've had mopars. Its the car that you can drive for hours, and get out of like you were just on the couch.
I had one when I had to commute to a job 850 miles away. One year committment, drove home often on a weekend. 10 hrs best time.

I'm here as its time to get back on my 71 Polara. I don't know what to do, as I need a windsheild. So the car is parked inside and stalled.
Time to join the windsheild rant threads, and gear up for the group buy from the netherlands. Or unless AMD finally makes some. (Wishfull thinking)
My 72 that I had to retire, and its replacement.
I put 100k on it after getting it with 140,000.
The rust could have been repaired, but the interior plastic was crumbling. I had already painted it, and fixed the seat ,and interior once. Couldn't see doing it all again.
Plus, the 72 was an aquired taste. I was looking for a 70-71 when I got it.
The gold one was 1 owner, and a fresh starting point

I have an acquired taste in 72 Polaras with big blocks. Mmmm yummy.
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time to get back on my 71 Polara. I don't know what to do, as I need a windsheild. So the car is parked inside and stalled.
Time to join the windsheild rant threads, and gear up for the group buy from the netherlands. Or unless AMD finally makes some. (Wishfull thinking)
Welcome aboard! I own a 1971 Monaco -- you may find useful the thread where I have been documenting maintenance, repairs, and redos for Medina (that's her name). Yours looks GY8 Gold Leaf (P) / Gold (D), mine is going back to her original GY9 Dark Gold (P/C/Y) / Tawny Gold (D). Would like to see your fender tags and her more about the 1971's story.

If your '71 Polara is a 4dr hardtop, then AFAIK the windshield of any (P/D/C, not sure about Y Imperial) C-body 2dr or 4dr hardtop should work. Do you still have your 1972 windshield?

There are indeed a number of threads on the topic of windshields.
My 72 was a great car.
I was having mexican food and margaritas, after driving my buddy to buy a ford
I said da**it, I want to buy a car.
1986, no cell phones, so I kept calling. They answered at 9pm and said "sure, come on down, up till midnight".
So we did.
Holy roller type pastor, with snakes. Everywhere. Including a python wrapped around an exposed beam in the living room.
$150 dollars. The good ole days.
I put a warmed over 318 in, after the 360 rod bearing started knocking.
Put an 1 1/4" front sway bar off a 90s front drive cadillac in the front, something else in the rear. With 2.7's in the rear, 3rd came at 90mph. Always got 18mpg, sometimes more.
Stripped the vinyl roof, painted it gloss black. Did the basic body repairs, and squeaked out painting it with 2qts of base and some clear. I did put stick on body side mouldings outlined with a pinstripe, (1970 barracuda style)
Drove to the spring fling with the "Performance King". 1400 miles one way. Wind noise could be bad with it being a hardtop.
We perfected "taping up". We used duct tape to seal the inside of the glass to the roof rail. Silence was golden.
A procedure I used when ever the Polara was on the road for more than an hour.
I put over 100k on it. Going into the 2000's it was tired.
In 2003, I found the gold 71 really local. 1 mile away. The adult children were selling their mothers car after she passed.
Told the wife we were replacing the Polara, with a Polara! Oh yay!
I didn't realize that polaras came in different wheelbases. I got the new to me gold one home, and discovered that the curved formal back glass, means the wheel base is shorter. It does not drive like the 126"w.b. 72.
Its a good car. Then i decided to pull the back glass for some window channel rust. Which led to pulling the vinyl roof, and the cracked windsheild. And here we are.
Low option car, 360 4dr hardtop. Just needs glass.

We really need to dispell the myth that these windshields are hard to find. Go get one and enjoy your Polara! I look forward to seeing more pictures and reading more of your stories. And welcome!

Resurrection of my 1970 Chrysler 300 Convertible
I checked with my glass guy. He does alot of old car work. Nothing in the system, so if you know where to get a windsheild, I'm all ears.
I'll cut a used one out, but I've not found one.
There are new 66-68 on ebay.
1969-1973 Chrysler / Dodge / Plymouth C Body Windshield W725: Auto City Classic | Parts for Classic Cars & Trucks | 1958 Chevy Specialists

I have no idea if they actually have these in stock, definitely worth a call though! And if not, it's worth checking with other local glass shops or internet jobs. I know there's a big warehouse sharing program, but it doesn't always work the way it should.

Edit- I see now those are listed as not in stock. These guy's show some, but I think it has been determined that they don't actually have any. Worth a call, good luck!

Classic Auto Glass - Windshield Glass, Back Glass, Door Glass, Vent Window Glass and Quarter Window Glass - Chrysler 300, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73 - Catalog Product List Page
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