Hit a major milestone today!


Old Man with a Hat
FCBO Gold Member
Sep 14, 2012
Reaction score
London, Ohio
Today I finished all the greasy, under the car, and engine bay work on the 300. It doesn’t mean that other things won’t pop up, but everything on the current list is done.

My last item was changing the transmission fluid. It was a dirt job but was happy with all the old dirty fluid I was able to drain out. The old gasket was shot and I have been leaking major amounts of oil. The pan cleaned up nicely and no one ever over torqued the pan, so it mounted back perfectly and no more leaks.

I can now move on to a few of the electrical gremlins, interior and the body. I should be able to cut down on the DL and paper shop towels consumption significantly.

Dirty Transmission pan.sm.jpgClean Tranny pan.sm.jpg

Clean Tranny pan.sm.jpg

Dirty Transmission pan.sm.jpg
Good for you, you saved all the clean work for 2013!
Did you do a full 2 1/2 gallon flush or just drain the pan?

(Sent using Forum Runner)

I got 7 quarts out of it. I was told by a local Mopar transmission expert not to flush the 727 transmission. He told me to loosen the 7/16th bolts after I took the pan off, and it work release about half of the oil in the torque converter.

He said not to flush so I took his advice. The oil looks amazingly clean after doing laps in the barn yard (roads are covered in salt).
Man, I'm jealous. My car is just sittin there & you're banging it out. My 6.1 was scheduled to arrive this past Friday but I rescheduled the delivery since I'm not ready for it & it's one more thing to store...

1/4" of salt on everything around here, bummer... Don't you be driving that car on these salty roads now. ;)
This is my window to work on the car. I worked to pay the bills yesterday in a Doctors office that was closed on Sunday and was able to get it done in one day, so I worked on the 300 today.

After watching football all day tomorrow, I may just take the rest of the week off. I have a nasty cold and don't want to be in someone's house with my pink eye and hacking cough, my 300 don't seem to mind.
Today I finished all the greasy, under the car, and engine bay work on the 300. It doesn’t mean that other things won’t pop up, but everything on the current list is done.

My last item was changing the transmission fluid. It was a dirt job but was happy with all the old dirty fluid I was able to drain out. The old gasket was shot and I have been leaking major amounts of oil. The pan cleaned up nicely and no one ever over torqued the pan, so it mounted back perfectly and no more leaks.

I can now move on to a few of the electrical gremlins, interior and the body. I should be able to cut down on the DL and paper shop towels consumption significantly.

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The pan cleaned up pretty nice.
And a used one soaked in oil can look even better than a badly stored NOS part.
I was lazy, I just rebuild the one I pulled from the parts car.


the one in my Car has a chunk out of the bottom of the case, previous owner said is slipped and leaked, I wonder why :urkidding: