Orange 1970 Chrysler 300


Active Member
Oct 4, 2017
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Hi everyone,

On the website, there's a picture of an orange 1970 Chrysler 300, taken from the 1969 corporate annual report. As far as I can tell, it's not a color that was available in 1970. So was it a one off just for the report, or is there another story behind ?

there's a picture of an orange 1970 Chrysler 300, taken from the 1969 corporate annual report. As far as I can tell, it's not a color that was available in 1970.
Since it's in a Annual Report, do not be surprised that "orange-like" color is a stock red they took artistic license to. It may never have existed.

would love to see this EV2 convertible restored. Would be an amazing car.
With that nice thin white striping on the side.
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We are looking at a computer rendering of a scan of a 48-year-old printing from a photo that was undoubtedly retouched.
And then, of course, there's my perception of it too...
“Special ordered” yet “reflects EV2 on the tag”.


Anyone have a picture of the tag?
“Special ordered” yet “reflects EV2 on the tag”.


Anyone have a picture of the tag?

Based on text in the Ebay listing, "special order" sounds like hearsay from the dealer. But here is the tag for that car. Can you tell from the tag whether it is "special order"?

2004-01-02 10.07.52.jpg
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We are looking at a computer rendering of a scan of a 48-year-old printing from a photo that was undoubtedly retouched.
And then, of course, there's my perception of it too...
Agreed. But if you look closely you'll see that the red inserts in the grille do look indeed red. Wouldn't have they changed color too ?