2019 FCBO Calendar?

From FBBO...

Many things happened -- I had a hard time getting good photos from people we wanted to be in the calendar, (I barely have enough) I had my Thanksgiving vacation, and then came back and had emergency surgery. Just getting back into the swing of things now.

Ideally, a calendar should be out in November. For a number of reasons, that didn't happen. The surgery was the final nail in the coffin. I'm not going to do a calendar this year. This was my first attempt at a calendar, so now I know the problems and bottlenecks and am confident I can do one for next year.
Sorry guys. Next year.
-- I had a hard time getting good photos from people we wanted to be in the calendar,

The above statement has me curious ....
My convertible was one of the chosen and even the best picture I had of it and there are many, wasn’t really the quality that he was looking for however he agreed to use it anyway in a smaller format on a shared page. This is a bummer because I don’t have a 2019 calendar yet....:mad:
My convertible was one of the chosen and even the best picture I had of it and there are many, wasn’t really the quality that he was looking for however he agreed to use it anyway in a smaller format on a shared page. This is a bummer because I don’t have a 2019 calendar yet....:mad:
Kenny could probably whip up a quick, last minute, curvaceous calendar for ya...:poke:
You could do a 12 or 18 month calender of FCBO members that attended Carlisle let alone the whole board but I digress ....the quality they were looking for? Now I'm really confused.
My convertible was one of the chosen and even the best picture I had of it and there are many, wasn’t really the quality that he was looking for however he agreed to use it anyway in a smaller format on a shared page. This is a bummer because I don’t have a 2019 calendar yet....:mad:
Wait, wait, wait... "My convertible was one of the chosen" .
So who else was "chosen".
Yes I can, the sun is in the wrong position and I see a cooler lid ....

Great car but ...
Very true but at the time I was just capturing a moment, not taking a picture for a calendar.
Also a 5 day weekend road trip in an E-body convertible means the back seat has as much stuff on it as the trunk has in it...:wtf: