Loose Side View Mirror


New Member
Jun 28, 2023
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Orleans, MA
Any tips on how to tighten up a loose side view mirror on my 65 Sport Fury? It flops around on the ball. Thanks. Ben
Same problem with my rear view mirror on my 65 SF and my 66 GTO side mirror; ball and holder worn. Until I can find replacements, I smeared weatherstrip adhesive, neatly, in and on the ball and holder and taped the mirrors for 24 hours were I wanted it for myself. So far it is working well and for several months and not noticeable; even have a little adjustment. Worst case I have to do it again until I find mirrors. Just be careful not to bump them.
I tried wrapping rubber bands around it which worked a little bit but could not adjust it to exactly where I wanted it. I took the glass out as it was loose and I was able to see the inner workings and tighten it with a couple of very short screws in pre-drilled holes.
If you go this route, you can use contact cement to attach the mirror glass back in place.
Outside of that, try the solution above. Good luck.
I ordered a repro mirror. Not cheap. I'll replace the original and then see if I can get it working properly and reinstall. Thanks everyone. Ben
Old tip that Mopar Action Magazine gave was set it where you want it. Then drip Super Glue around the ball and socket.
The glue will travel into the ball and socket taking up the slack. Also stated that even if you bump it or need to move it the glue still filled the void causing resistance holding it place.
Also "Some" of the mirrors had a snap ring holding the glass in with a spring behind it. You pushed in on the glass to remove the snap ring.Glass and spring pops out and there is a small leaf spring attached by 2 screws holding the housing to the ball socket.Tighten the screws and all is good again. This is for manual mirrors.
I agree with Darter6, good plans, but the glue did not last well for me and my mirror didn't have the snap ring. A local auto glass shop cut a replacement glass and I smashed the old glass out. In my mirror, the leaf spring was almost broken in half and was retained by "rivets" cast integrally with the mirror casting. I made a relacement "spring" and drilled and tapped the casting for small studs made from machine screws. Used Locktite on the studs, tightened it up and glued the new glass in place and it has worked all season. The schetchy part was drilling the holes. Need to be as deep as possible, but can't afford to drill through! Made a bottoming tap by cutting the tapered portion off a plug tap. Lindsay
Depends what kind of side mirror. The twin post manual ones can be easily fixed by removing the glass. If that's what you have...

The remote control ones are much more difficult.

Which do you have (before I go into the details on how it's done)?
I would contact Chrysler for warranty support.
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I would contact the Chrysler for warranty support.
I’m still laughing at that. I took it apart today. The snap ring was easy to remove. There is a thin steel plate with a hole in it holding down and putting sort of a spring pressure on the ball. The plate is riveted on. I carefully tapped down the rivets with a bronze drift and it tightened up the pressure on the ball. All seems to be good. Thanks everyone for your help. Ben