No pics...but I do have a car.

The aliens were very nice to me. A couple of blood samples and they were done with me. I think they got bored with me. Anyway, I've been working from home. Still on the mend since the fall. Final tally, broke fibia and torn acl and lcl of left knee. Surgery on the 8th...finally!!! Broke right elbow. Compression fracture of T9 spine. I must have hit my head cuz my baby is still down in Texas. I remember someone talking about a reliable transporter. But for the life of me...I can't remember the name. I don't want to use the coke heads out of Houston. So, that's my story. What have you all been up to. Hope ALL of you guys have stayed out of trouble. LOL, right.
Welcome back. You don't mess around when you break a leg. I hope you have a full recovery.
Yeah! Welcome back, the place hasn't been the same without you! Remind me again how you did all that damage.
Yeah! Welcome back, the place hasn't been the same without you! Remind me again how you did all that damage.

I got stupid Matt. Tried to take a wardrobe box down to the basement. Fell down the stairs. Now mind you these are no normal stairs. Each step is a 12 in log cut in half. They don't give and edges are not rounded. It's all good. Got to meet the fire department, police and ems guys. Boy are they hot. Oh and a couple neighbors stopped by to introduce themselves considering we had just moved in 5 days earlier. I think they were just curious. LOL I'm glad to be back. Got alot catching up to do.
Can I take it that the accident screwed up working at your new job that you came down here and trained for?

Posted via Topify on Android
Can I take it that the accident screwed up working at your new job that you came down here and trained for?

Posted via Topify on Android
No, in fact that is why I applied for this job. When I realized (when doctors finally listened and realized) that I didn't just have bumps and bruises, I had some serious injuries and would not be able to work like any normal nurse. I started looking for something where there wouldn't be any lifting or bending. Only option that I found was a sit in the chair kind of job until I'm able to get back into action. Found this job where I work at home calling patients (they call them members). Money is great and I do lots of education, which I love doing. Miss teaching patients how to improve their health. Training in FL was a blast. We had 42 RN's in one hotel and a bunch of army reservist staying there. What went on in St. Petes....stayed in St Petes. LOL