Package shelf coloration and/or source for new


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2022
Reaction score
Spokane, WA
I haven’t found a “for sure” source for a ‘66 Chrysler Newport rear package shelf, just various C bodies models from other years.

Given that, I might make my own from hardboard, using a jigsaw.

How were package shelves colored? Paint? Dye? Vinyl covering? My original is badly damaged and I can’t determine what specific color it was originaly, or how this color was applied.

My interior code is L7R.

Thanks for any insight…
It always reminded me of the backside of "Masonite" board, due to the pattern in it. Better than just the pressed paper boards normally used. The slots for the rear speaker were cut, although just one speaker could be used, YET two 6x9s do fit nicely!

Color? Probably a dye to seal the surface, as all of the pattern is clearly visible and defined. Paint might tend to be splotchy and not evenly-absorbed, plus loosing some of the detail in the pattern.

Just some thoughts,
As far as I can remember and what was in my '66 Fury, there was no finish applied. As CBODY67 stated it appeared as masonite. The problem in reproducing at home would be the cutout slots for the speakers. Of course, if you put aftermarket grilles over the speakers, problem solved. I bought a replacement for mine, but I can't remember where I got it. I did have to "trim-to-fit". Just my thoughts. Lindsay
As far as I can remember and what was in my '66 Fury, there was no finish applied. As CBODY67 stated it appeared as masonite. The problem in reproducing at home would be the cutout slots for the speakers. Of course, if you put aftermarket grilles over the speakers, problem solved. I bought a replacement for mine, but I can't remember where I got it. I did have to "trim-to-fit". Just my thoughts. Lindsay
Was it brown then or keyed to the interior color?
I covered a piece of Masonite with thin foam padding and black vinyl.
It turned out great.

Oops- this was in my 65 Mustang. I believe that I did the same for my and my brother’s 65 Corvair high school car.
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