

Senior Member
Feb 1, 2014
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David Soul was the "blonde" one. 80 years old. RIP

Aside: mid 70's, I was approaching "first car" age. Everybody had one it seemed -- that "swoosh" was even on NON-Torinos

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I have just started watching the Streets of San Francisco, Starsky and Hutch are both in the show 1972.

There was a kid that lived up the street from me growing up that bought one of these new in the 70's. I think it was the only one in Syracuse at the time.

He was a couple years younger than me and really kept to himself so I never really knew him, but it seemed weird to me as he wasn't the type of guy that would have a car like that. I'm sure he didn't buy it to pick up girls, if you know what I mean... Last I knew, he was living in Hollywood and working as a script editor, so maybe he was a big fan on the show...

Just about every time I was at my parents, I'd see him drive by in that car...
David Soul was a cool guy, he owned a '55b NY'er convert that had once been owned by Ernest Hemingway that he was restoring in Cuba, where he lived part of the year as he had a foreign passport as well as a US one. I "spoke" to him a couple of times via eMail to help him try to locate parts. I know he's been in poor health for a while. A very nice and a down to earth car guy. RIP David.
What a great time it was back then to be a youth when all the cool shows were on tv.I still watch some on Pluto/Freevee just to check out the cars. Hutch was a cool player RIP
I dated a St Paul, and a few blocks from her was a house that had two Starsky & Hutch cars sitting in the driveway. Always wanted to stop, but never did.
I found this original 76 S&H Torino.
Ford built 1100 of them
This one is for sale
It’s ruff
He wants 3k for it

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source: Factory built 1976 Limited Edition Starsky & Hutch Ford Gran Torino | Hotrod Hotline

"Factory built 1976 Limited Edition Starsky & Hutch Ford Gran Torino.

In response to the popularity of the TV show, "Starsky & Hutch", Ford Motor Company had 1,000 Gran Torinos specially painted Ford Bright Red with Wimbledon white racing stripes over the tops and down the sides of the cars.

All of the factory produced units were built at Ford's Chicago Assembly Plant in early Spring 1976 and bear the DSO numbers, 0022.

Less that 100 of the original 1,000 are known to exist.

In 2002, this factory built unit was fully restored to resemble the Gran Torino’s used during the first season of the 1970's television series.

In addition the original stock 351 Windsor, column shift automatic, and black cloth and vinyl interior this car has since been outfitted with Hi-Jacker air shocks, over-sized tires on aluminum slotted Mag wheels, police siren, red flashing tear drop light, 2-way Motorola radio, and replica California license plates 537 ONN -- just like the screen used Gran Torino’s.

The inside of the trunk lid has been autographed by several celebrities that either appeared in the TV series or the 2004 movie."