Someone had to say it..

Now we need the rest of the world to wake the F up!
wonder if that Muslim woman ran out of there with her tail between her legs.. she got spanked... love it..!!
Brigitte Gabriel is a former Muslim who woke up! She has been fighting the fight for a long time now.
I saw that on the evening national news the other day, bravo!
The muslim woman had to leave to tend to her 14 future terrorists babies...
They breed like rabbits, that's for certain. Which reminds me...

Two women who are adherents to that "religion of peace" were talking and comparing their kids' accomplishments...One said her little Amir had grown four centimeters over the Summer and was looking forward to becoming a jihadist. The other, with a kid that had just become a successful suicide bomber, wistfully said "Yes, that's true. Here today and gone tomorrow...They blow up so fast!"

She is awesome !!!!!!!! and she tells it the way it is ........ with no sugar coating ,,,,,
The alarming part for me is her statistics that 15-25% are radical. That's a really big number.
And when you figure that polls taken in England and in Germany, where there are HUGE numbers os Islamic immigrants sucking the life out of the social welfare programs in those nations; when asked if they approve of the methods ISIS uses, nearly 5 in 10 AGREE! So, the myth of the "tiny minority of Muslims agree with or participate in jihad" is pure BS. The apologists and propagandists out there would have us believe that only one to two percent of the 1.2 Billion cultists worldwide believe in violence. Hell, we have a POTUS that refuses to admit that ISIS is Islam. Practicing the art of taqiyya at its' most disgusting.