NOT MINE 1973 GE7 NYB 2dr hardtop in Blairsville, PA ($9.9k and just 15,898 miles)


Old Man with a Hat
FCBO Gold Member
Jan 30, 2012
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Two years after @Boydsdodge first reported this burgundy NYer Brougham on FCBO, it popped up again three weeks ago on FB. This beauty is being sold by the same dealer and the price is unchanged. Thanks to @saforwardlook for alerting me to it!

The trim (body-side mouldings with unblemished pattern, red insert of the Brougham emblem) and the interior suggest that the super-low miles are likely correct. I wish the seller would post the fender tag for records. @Marv








Still at $10K and still unsold after 2 years???
I don’t get two things:

1. the seller. Inflation means it’s effectively 10% cheaper, but then again it’s been sitting for another two years.

2. Buyers. How many super-low miles NYBs in that condition are there left?!
diving in with limited specific info .. and not as a prospective buyer. For the record tho, I do like this car.

From what I can see, I find it odd it hasnt sold yet.

I think that's a very fair asking price -- at the LOWER end of what I would expect for at 15,000 mile car, and assuming it could successfully withstand "eyes on, butt in seat" scrutiny.

It becomes even more attractive -- to me --IF their is a "paper trail" that supports the mileage, and ownership documents are unencumbered.

BUT if its really 115,000 miles, its asking price is at the UPPER end of what I would expect to pay

Some other person may snap it up tomorrow .. they LOVE it, and they think its bargain. Others may be thinking less charitable things about it. Some people may be disappointed (me included) buying classic cars from dealers.

btw - I've got no beef with the dealer, no reason to believe he's unscrupulous, so I ain't throwin' shade at him. At classic car dealer prices, however, my general expectation is a professional marketing portfolio for what they offer.

Sometimes you see it -- tons of documents, tons of HD pics/video, etc. Sometimes you don't.

(1) Documentation of mileage/history and (2) an excellent digital representation of this car would serve it well I believe.

Hope it finds a good home
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The ad says "reads 15000 miles" "Exempt on title" I get the feeling the seller doesn't think it has only 15,000 on it.
The ad says "reads 15000 miles" "Exempt on title" I get the feeling the seller doesn't think it has only 15,000 on it.
good point -- perhaps he's surrendered already in the "proof of mileage" effort?

then, assuming it RUNS like a good, used 115,000 mile car, he may want start looking at transaction prices in the "private party" neighborhood - IMHO
i went and looked at this car 2 years ago, its a nice car but by no means is it a 15,000 mile car or i would of bought it, i drove about 5 hours to go look at it, maybe i should of bought it, it needs a few things !
i went and looked at this car 2 years ago, its a nice car but by no means is it a 15,000 mile car or i would of bought it, i drove about 5 hours to go look at it, maybe i should of bought it, it needs a few things !

sounds like the answer .. it apparently doesnt SHOW what it COULD BE but rather (like most things to sophisticated buyers' scrutiny) it SHOWS what it really IS.

It isnt by any means a "beater" -- its quite nice it appears.

But its a couple grand over my comfort zone IF it has the typical challenges (stuff not workng, will not work much longer if never replaced, normal usage over the duration, etc.) of 100K mile cars built 50 years ago.

It would seem the market place is speaking to the seller .. but seller may have other ideas. All fine -- thats why they are called "markets". Good luck to him and hope it all works out.
Unless the side inserts have been replaced, I have a really hard time believing that the miles are 115k. Then again, I have not seen the car in person whereas @1badpinkrt has.
I defer to any any eyewitness reports. add that to many of our "curiosity" as knowledgeable folks AND specific circumstances with THIS one, it may SHOW, ACT, DRIVE, "smoke", "rattle" and otherwise indicate its true age.

I dont doubt your observation @ayilar nor skill at assessments one bit ....this one though is more likely rolled over than not .. and I would need proof to be convienced otherwise.

for sh*ts and giggles, check this (pic quality varies but you can still see stuff to differentiate pedal usage):

left pic pedals are a '66 Newp advertised here at 16k miles., and '73 NYR, are right pic pedals


pedals aside, lotta things about that '66 Newp says low mileage potential .. to the contrary on the '73.
I called and wrote to seller a couple of times the first time I spotted the car. Not a reply ever.
Just FYI

Date this was posted, June 2016 ! so been for sale for some time it seems and not sold.

Screenshot  Jack Ross Used Cars.png
I have seen enough .. given I am not a buyer, but I also want to ROOT for this car because I like it.

I believe its a good car.

But to get a real transaction on it completed, what it is/isn't TODAY -- this minute -- needs to be clarified/laid out plainly for someone who is/could be turned into a likely buyer.

Many of us fit that category of "likely" buyer .. hell, this is FCBO.

But, if I owned it, I might take a different tack with it in the marketing effort to complete a "fair deal" for it..

Wish seller and eventual new owner all the best.

Adieu. :)