1969 Chrysler 300 Windshield Repair


New Member
Nov 2, 2019
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Yeah, it's me again. And sorry in advance for my naivette. This is uncharted territory for me.
Does anyone have any suggestions for removing old weather stripping from around a windshield without removing the glass (it's a bit beyond my skill set)? My plan is to get the old stripping out and lay out a bead of urethane or silicone around the glass. While I have heard many people here and on other groups tell me I have to remove the glass, there are quite a few people here locally who say it's not necessary unless the glass is cracked.
Thanks in advance.
there isn't any weatherstrip around the windshield. the butyl tape seals the glass to the body. if you mean trimming the excess tape, a sharp razor blade would probably do it. be aware that this stuff stays sticky and stringy for a long time so it may be tough going.
I used a Dremel to grind it away.
It was a terrible job and took me hours and several grinding stones, but it did the job.


I used acetone and a warm sunny day to soften the butyl, it made it easier to remove. The problem with laying a bead of silicone is that it won’t seal completely like the butyl and will most likely still leak. Silicon tends to expand and contract at a different rate and may just peal off when the temp drops. Also, if there is rust in the window channel it will continue to expand and open up fissures between the glass and the metal. Call around to local glass shops, they will be able to do a professional job and it might not be as expensive as you think to remove and reseal the glass.