3.23 742 suregrip rear..


Active Member
May 10, 2014
Reaction score
Buffalo NY
Ok be nice but I have to ask the question. I wanted to change the rear in my 300 and just paid 672.00 including shipping for a entire set up. Probably have the change the yolk but did I do ok? Hopefully the seller is honest and said is nice shape. Rebuilt ones seem to be over 1500.00 and used always seem to be 800 plus. Ive posted many times if any member would sell me one and no one offered lol.
If it has springs its a cone, clutch type has 4 pinion shafts that sit in v shaped slots.
Do you know which yoke you will be changing to big or little... 2,5/8 or 2,1/8 respectively.
Hopefully a clutch. I believe I paid to much for mine a couple of years ago. I bought a 741 with 391s with a clutch, if I recall I think I paid 400.00. Had no issues with it.
0309141429-01 (2).jpg

I hate to ask van someone look at item number 172077200180? I can't seem to copy the link. Think it is clutch looks like the pic above. I assume if it has the small yoke I can use mine out of my 742..am I wrong...feeling made a mistake :(
As above, clutch case is same diameter across, cone type is stepped down on the side of the case opposite the ring gear.
Thanks...Mine is a clutch then. I'm looking forward to getting it in. My current 3rd member has been leaking for years. Will be to finally not have cardboard under the old girl!
Yeah rereading that doesn't sound good. When I typed it I changed rear end to 3rd member as I thought it was worse lol.
As above, clutch case is same diameter across, cone type is stepped down on the side of the case opposite the ring gear.
I'm not so sure about that I have a cone at home that does not neck down but I may be mistaken because I haven't looked at it in a while. The 741 and 489 use a 10 spline yoke. The 742 uses a 29 and 10.
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I'm not so sure about that I have a cone at home that does not neck down but I may be mistaken because I haven't looked at it in a while. The 741 and 489 use a 10 spline yoke. The 742 uses a 29
i took apart a 489 case and it has a 29 spline Pinion.
Yeah forget what I said if you have a 10 it will go on any 10 spline if you have a 29 it will go on any 29 spline.