Do not touch the car


Well-Known Member
FCBO Gold Member
Dec 17, 2021
Reaction score
Rockwood, Ontario
Hi all,
I myself have the presence to not touch anyone's car at a show, as I would not like anyone to touch my car when I bring it to a show for the first time this coming summer.
I'm sure you guys are the same!
I am having a few custom stickers made up for my cars " You Touch My Car, I Touch your Wife " and a common one ordered " If You Value Your Life, Don't Touch My Car " Warning sticker.
I am having visions of me resurecting my Jiu Jitsu/ MMA grabbing someone giving him/ her a Tomanagi, flipping over them and them putting them in an arm bar if they touch my cars!
That being said, do you guys get tired of saying " Please do not touch the car" or what do you do?
Tried looking for a thread to this effect but did not find one, wrong key words I guess in my search.

Have a nice day,

You aren't going to like what I'm going to say, but I think you need a wake up call. Honestly, if you start out with that attitude, you're better off staying home.

First, I've never really had any problem with people touching a car at a show.. or cruise night for that matter. Any sign that you put up would just be ignored by anyone that is going to touch your car anyway.

IMHO, anything that you put on a sign like "I touch your wife" is pretty childish and not at all funny. You may not like that answer, but that's the way I see it and so would others. Don't work at pissing people off.

The "Jiu Jitsu/MMA" "resurrecting is bullshit pure and simple... Anyone trained in self defense knows not to start trouble and to just walk away. "Arm bar" the wrong person and you might end up wishing you hadn't.. or ending up in handcuffs... or both for that matter. If that happened, the "if you value your life" on a sign on your car would make your day in court a whole lot worse.

You are there to have fun... If you get a fingerprint smudge, it's not the end of the world... That's why you carry a microfiber towel and detail spray. I've let people sit in my car and have their picture taken... It's all part of the fun. At the end of the day, it's just a car and you are there to have fun. I have as much work, as much money et al in my car as the next guy, so I understand that you don't want anything bad to happen to it.... Really though, the chances of someone "touching" your car are rare... and doing any damage is slim to none. Again, if it's that much of a worry, stay home.

If you really want to make a sign "Please do not touch" is fine. There are a couple twists, like the old signs that say "don't touch unless you are nude" that might give a chuckle to someone that has never seen it.
People touch cars, it happens, particularly if they're nice looking. Alot of larger shows will give out cards that say "do not touch". Might as well throw 'em out. It's kind of like signs that say "surveillance cameras in use at this location", it may deter some, but definitely not all. I once came out to my '71 Polara, parked for less than half an hour in downtown Edmonton, to find a half naked woman on my hood doing an impromptu photo shoot. I wasn't too thrilled, however the model assured me she was careful, so I let them finish up and went on my way. No damage done.
I agree with *everything* @Big_John said.
Every so often you'll get a knucklehead that will open the door of your car or similar - that's crossing a line, and they deserve a 'dude, WTF' rebuke.

@3C's & a D?
That's pretty startling. On principle, I don't think I would care if she was careful - for her to assume it's OK to use someone's 'special property' like that is going too far. (and do you have a front license plate visible in the photogs pictures???)

If it were a 5-year old Hyundai it would be a little different, or at least more understandable.
what i do is educate them that when they touch the car or even there own . the oil on there fingers or hands will hurt the paint even with wax on it if you do wipe it off. and these paint jobs cost $ 10,000 to $ 20,000 dollars .
if there are little kids around and hear that they start to learn about things .
it dont always work but it make 's them think about not touching the cars
No comment on anyone's position first of all. Just my own.:)

I don't go to many shows as participant or viewer. That's a retirement goal to get out more.

That said, I drive my stuff all the time. Some of them attract attention .. at the Home Depot, at the gas station, at the restaurant, at the detailer. etc. Waves, thumbs up, mostly .. sometimes flip me the bird for killing the planet with my gas hogs.

If asked by someone to look closer, run finger along a surface, touch the vinyl roof, feel under a fender/quarter wheel opening ... I am fine. Sit in it, take a picture with it (with understanding dont lean on it, sit on it, let stuff fall outta our pockets on it, etc) .. all good.

40 years at this, I have only had one dust-up with "touching my stuff". By-standers came to my rescue.

More often, its smart-a** remarks, inappropriate questions, dissin' something they don't like/wouldnt have done, etc. Sticks and stones. There's always an a**hat in every crowd tho, or well meaning but not-smart things people do. Such is life in the hobby.

Great majority of the time, like I am when I see something interesting, people are fans and genuinely respectful of other peoples' stuff. They are just diggin' the scene and sharing their "passion" for these machines.
Of all the car shows Ive been to, most people I see, including myself, will admire the cars with my hands behind me or in pockets. If the grand kids are with us, upon arrival, DO NOT TOUCH ANY CARS! They know not to. OOH and AAH but dont touch.
We did have one stupid moment, we had just bought my wifes 2004 yellow Rumble Bee and were in yellowstone park watching a bear grazing in the distance and guy actually asked to set his tripod on the hood for his camera!, gave him the look of death and his response was, oh, I guess not. DUH! They are some people!
You aren't going to like what I'm going to say, but I think you need a wake up call. Honestly, if you start out with that attitude, you're better off staying home.

First, I've never really had any problem with people touching a car at a show.. or cruise night for that matter. Any sign that you put up would just be ignored by anyone that is going to touch your car anyway.

IMHO, anything that you put on a sign like "I touch your wife" is pretty childish and not at all funny. You may not like that answer, but that's the way I see it and so would others. Don't work at pissing people off.

The "Jiu Jitsu/MMA" "resurrecting is bullshit pure and simple... Anyone trained in self defense knows not to start trouble and to just walk away. "Arm bar" the wrong person and you might end up wishing you hadn't.. or ending up in handcuffs... or both for that matter. If that happened, the "if you value your life" on a sign on your car would make your day in court a whole lot worse.

You are there to have fun... If you get a fingerprint smudge, it's not the end of the world... That's why you carry a microfiber towel and detail spray. I've let people sit in my car and have their picture taken... It's all part of the fun. At the end of the day, it's just a car and you are there to have fun. I have as much work, as much money et al in my car as the next guy, so I understand that you don't want anything bad to happen to it.... Really though, the chances of someone "touching" your car are rare... and doing any damage is slim to none. Again, if it's that much of a worry, stay home.

If you really want to make a sign "Please do not touch" is fine. There are a couple twists, like the old signs that say "don't touch unless you are nude" that might give a chuckle to someone that has never seen it.
Thanks Big John, actually I like what your saying and I agree with it all, just said what I said to be funny.
First rule of martial arts, you only use it once your back is up against a wall.
Just started this thread to see if anyone had bad experiences with belt buckles and such.
I think you have the wrong perception of me, my thread got you all fired up and that is exactly what I was trying to do, however I did not read your reply in the deep thoughted tone associated with your avatar this time.
Thanks for the good advice.

Have a nice day,

Great answers all around, I will practice smiling and my death stare all in one!
Sounds like Big John has a martial arts background also, so don't mess with him.
Carguy300, I did the same with my kids, all is forwarned!

Everyone have a nice day,

I've not yet brought a car to a show, but people always seem respectful at the shows I've spectated at, and I certainly would never touch someone else's ride. If I came out to my car and saw some chick sitting on my hood I'd freak out though. I don't care how skinny or naked you are, that's just wrong.
People touch cars, it happens, particularly if they're nice looking. Alot of larger shows will give out cards that say "do not touch". Might as well throw 'em out. It's kind of like signs that say "surveillance cameras in use at this location", it may deter some, but definitely not all. I once came out to my '71 Polara, parked for less than half an hour in downtown Edmonton, to find a half naked woman on my hood doing an impromptu photo shoot. I wasn't too thrilled, however the model assured me she was careful, so I let them finish up and went on my way. No damage done.
I'm sorry but that is scarry, the things we let slide when a woman bats her eyelashes!
All this reminds me of a picture I saw on a forum years ago. Someone had posted a pic of a "woman" laying out on the hood of their car. I can't remember if they said girlfriend or wife... Shorty shorts and big healed shoes. Really fugly too. I showed it to Mrs. Big John and she took one look and said "that's a dude" which agreed with my opinion.

The pic came down by the next day, but a few guys had really admired the picture.
Hi all,
I myself have the presence to not touch anyone's car at a show, as I would not like anyone to touch my car when I bring it to a show for the first time this coming summer.
I'm sure you guys are the same!
I am having a few custom stickers made up for my cars " You Touch My Car, I Touch your Wife " and a common one ordered " If You Value Your Life, Don't Touch My Car " Warning sticker.
I am having visions of me resurecting my Jiu Jitsu/ MMA grabbing someone giving him/ her a Tomanagi, flipping over them and them putting them in an arm bar if they touch my cars!
That being said, do you guys get tired of saying " Please do not touch the car" or what do you do?
Tried looking for a thread to this effect but did not find one, wrong key words I guess in my search.

Have a nice day,

If you don't want people touching your car use stanchions and rope it off. Now kids with toys and mom's with strollers are a different thing.
Thanks Big John, actually I like what your saying and I agree with it all, just said what I said to be funny.
First rule of martial arts, you only use it once your back is up against a wall.
Just started this thread to see if anyone had bad experiences with belt buckles and such.
I think you have the wrong perception of me, my thread got you all fired up and that is exactly what I was trying to do, however I did not read your reply in the deep thoughted tone associated with your avatar this time.
Thanks for the good advice.

Have a nice day,

My goal is always to have fun with my cars and I try to tell everyone that should be their goal too.

The problem with forums is stuff that we say "face to face" with a wink and a smile doesn't always come across that way. Most of us have done that at least once.

Really though, we could sit in our garages and stare at the cars and never take them out... Or we can go out and have some fun, show off the car, meet new people and run into old friends too. Honestly, I know a guy that does just that... He has a recliner in his garage and never takes his cars anywhere because something might happen. He's missing so much...

I've never had any real trouble with any spectators at any car show. Had a couple people that won't go away, but they are harmless. LOL.
My car is no show queen so I don't have the issues that some are concerned about, but you know I get a lot of questions from people. What I did find most interesting though was the first year I showed up at Carlisle with my then 6 tear old son and 8 year old daughter. I had schooled them on not touching the cars, cars have the right of way... By the second year the two of them had become the unofficial photographers when Cantflip put digital cameras in their hands.

As Of two years ago all 4 of my kids and wife started to come to the show. This year they will be 9, 11, 13, and 15.
Just started this thread to see if anyone had bad experiences with belt buckles and such.
If you're that anal about someone touching your car, I'd really hate to see your attitude after you get a stone chip from driving! **** happens in life, get over it!
Try taking a marked police car to a show. People will open the door and get in. I locked the car most of the time. If I was there I'd let people sit in the car.

For me taking a car to show is all about the interaction with the people, I'm not there for the trophies.

Heck, half the time you'll find me leaning against my car or sitting on the hood.
