The Beloved Red X

Relatively speaking, I feel the members here are more calm, sedate, considerate, and mature than found on the other sites.

Just like YouTube removing the "dislike" button (although that was for censorship).

My decision had zero to do with censorship. It was simply that I am tired of the strife and arguing over something so stupid.

Your kidding? The complain about a red X?

Oh god yes. And some complained when I removed it too. Some people just like to complain.
Your kidding? The complain about a red X?
Their are some that cry like you insulted their mother.
It's not like it is a personal attack you just do see it the same way. So because of the children that can't play with others we all have to suffer. Welcome to the 21st century's biggest contribution so far.
I feel most of the time I see a red X the member clicked it by accident. Unless it comes from @polara71 then I know it is real.


Don’t get rid of it, just add a pop up that asks if you really want to disagree, I bet that would get rid of most of them.