Putting things in perspective.


Senior Member
Dec 8, 2014
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The current media-driven hysteria and doomsday scenarios are affecting the economy, employment, people's ability to provide for themselves and their loved ones, suicides have already been reported and the mental health issues which children will have to deal with in years to come is all very real.
But why is any of this necessary, when a look at any number of reliable sources shows the number of influenza related deaths to be in the hundreds of thousands around the world on a yearly basis. We have never had this kind of reaction and over the top measures on such a global scale, so the question is, what is the end game here?, people are being threatened with death if they do not comply with government orders (https://www.deccanherald.com/nation...es-night-curfew-from-7-pm-to-6-am-817282.html), how long before similar drastic measures are the norm elsewhere?
I am not a conspiracy theorist, but when one looks at what is going on, there appears to be a concerted effort to dictate to the masses how we should live our lives and to introduce a 'new normal'.
I lost my Mopar buddy, Larry Rathgeb, a few days ago.
My brother just lost a friend at work, due to this virus.

We've all had flu and survived. THIS stuff can be worse and is very easily transmitted.
At some point, you'll either have had it or know someone that did. Hopefully they didn't die. Stay safe...
2020 is looking a lot like 1984.

This is SO far out there it's hard for me to comprehend, but somebody was fired yesterday for letting the cat out of the bag. Normally if a "mistake" is made, a correction or retraction is issued. The stench is getting worse.
Many aspects of "1984" have already happened. Especially the facial recognition and video surveillance in many metro areas (including China). Cell phone locations (not in the book, per se) happen as "meta data", although it can be boiled-down to an individual with some effort, if desired. In the USA, it's more about public safety and advertising $$$$. In other areas, more things than that. Can't forget license plate readers!

We've given up some "liberties" and "others knowing where we are" in exchange for other benefits (public safety) and such . . . over time, but now have great ease of doing many things. As long as you're not doing anything "suspect", no problems?

As I recall, "1984" had a much more government-controlled society. At the time that Mr. Toffler talked to us, it was about 1972. LOTS of potential changes before 1984! Many of which we (junior college students) felt could never happen in the USA. There were also some environmental aspects to his book, too.

Just some thoughts,
Many fail to see this as a "Bio-War" action, of which it is! We are at War!!!! These people with the "Rectal Cranium" issue that are to blind to see this are the ones that need to be deleted from Earth!
Don't want to downplay the loss of life, obviously that sucks. But it's been fairly common in the past to read of people passing away after a "brief illness". I've had elderly family members in otherwise good health come down with the flu and succumb to it rather quickly. Just seems like the media is really exaggerating all of this, trying to create panic. Hopefully everyone here is doing well.
For all the panic and such, for little has changed for me.

I'm still expected to be at work everyday, doing my job. I wash my hands quite often, as I always have, from handling filthy boxes and parts. I use a bit more sanitizer.
I tend to avoid people anyway while working so social distancing is not an issue.

I've always used drive up windows, so it's not disconcerting to wait outside for pickup. They haven't rationed gas, and I believe those who felt the need to hoard are just greedy jerks.
I prefer to ignore the media and think for myself. There are always two sides (or more) and the truth is somewhere in the center

OH I could stay home if I had the money and time. At least my employer has generously offered to pay my insurance premiums. Several "retirees" who work part time have leaped. If I had an SS check every month I'd be gone.

That said, the Chinese government should pay a price for the toll of human lives they extracted in their attempt to initiate germ warfare and economic control over the world. They are still the devious cold war enemy they have always been.
Looking back sheer Providence had me retire last fall. A year early.
My co workers now have been un-employed for two weeks with no health insurance unless they go the cobra route.
I have plenty of hobbies and projects as I adjust to a new routine.
And I’m just fine with avoiding masses of people.:)
For all the panic and such, for little has changed for me.

I'm still expected to be at work everyday, doing my job. I wash my hands quite often, as I always have, from handling filthy boxes and parts. I use a bit more sanitizer.
I tend to avoid people anyway while working so social distancing is not an issue.

I've always used drive up windows, so it's not disconcerting to wait outside for pickup. They haven't rationed gas, and I believe those who felt the need to hoard are just greedy jerks.
I prefer to ignore the media and think for myself. There are always two sides (or more) and the truth is somewhere in the center

OH I could stay home if I had the money and time. At least my employer has generously offered to pay my insurance premiums. Several "retirees" who work part time have leaped. If I had an SS check every month I'd be gone.

That said, the Chinese government should pay a price for the toll of human lives they extracted in their attempt to initiate germ warfare and economic control over the world. They are still the devious cold war enemy they have always been.

In a related story, Drudge picked up the fact that there is a very brisk business for funeral urns in China, 5000 delivered to one mortuary alone. They are clearly lying about the number of dead.

People are trying to compare the severity of Covid 19 with the flu. I'm not sure that can even be done considering how different the two have been dealt with. Sure the flu has killed more people every year than Covid 19 but what if the protocol was reversed? If social distancing, business's shut down, quarantines were in place for the flu how many less would die from it? If none of these measures were put in place and it was business as usual for Covid 19 how many would die? I don't have the answers, just asking the question.
I don't know either, but stumbled across this earlier today, from the mayo clinic.

COVID-19 vs seasonal flu: What you need to know about both

"Right now, the number of COVID-19 cases pales in comparison to the number of flu cases," says Dr. Poland. "Unlike COVID-19, seasonal flu is in every state and every community in the U.S. Your best defense agains the flu is to get the flu vaccine. If you haven't gotten it yet, it is not too late. Go get it."
People are trying to compare the severity of Covid 19 with the flu. I'm not sure that can even be done considering how different the two have been dealt with. Sure the flu has killed more people every year than Covid 19 but what if the protocol was reversed? If social distancing, business's shut down, quarantines were in place for the flu how many less would die from it? If none of these measures were put in place and it was business as usual for Covid 19 how many would die? I don't have the answers, just asking the question.

I do not think anybody really knows. If social distancing was not practiced and nothing else done to limit the spread, If you assume a population of 260 million with an 80% infection rate=208 million infected.
If the projections of a 1% death rate are accurate that would mean 2.08 million dead. Let hope it does not get anywhere near that.

Just seems like the media is really exaggerating all of this, trying to create panic. Hopefully everyone here is doing well.

If you watch the news enough you know why. To make the POTUS look bad and create mass hysteria and chaos among the populous!
The way I look at it, there are only two possibilities. The government(s) are either telling us the truth or they're not. I've been wondering about it a lot too.
Latest numbers in Michigan-
4,650 cases, 111 have died.

No conspiracy here, just data.
In a related story, Drudge picked up the fact that there is a very brisk business for funeral urns in China, 5000 delivered to one mortuary alone. They are clearly lying about the number of dead.


I have been very hesitant to believe reports coming from that country, especially since we know that they tried to hide the outbreak of the virus from the rest of the world. I was listening to George Noory one night. He had a guest on who was talking about several large fires that had been detected (from sattelite?) and that it was believed that they were burning thousands of bodies. I'm sorry I don't remember who the guest was.

If you watch the news enough you know why. To make the POTUS look bad and create mass hysteria and chaos among the populous!

I can't help but think that this is part of it. Wouldn't this mean that the mainstream media, the Democrat Party, the government of China, the World Health Organization (UN) and almost every other government in the world would have to be in on it, working together? Yes, that is one hell of a conspiracy theory, but it's not entirely impossible.

Looking around the world, there has definitely been a push toward a globalist adgenda, a UN one world government, over the past few decades. President Trump has been taking America in the opposite direction. There are definitely very powerful people and interests in this world who want to stop him, so there could be truth to this..
"Rollerball". Government too big? Watch it!

"Last Man on Earth", from 1964, with Vincent Price.

The airborne virus leaves him alone, because he has antibodies from a bat!
He even gives a girl a blood transfusion so she is resistant!

AND, get this, they are testing that now, as we speak....