Are there any PARTICULAR brands of filler tube grommet BETTER SUITED to a 1968 gas tank than others?

Gerald Morris

Senior Member
Mar 9, 2016
Reaction score
Esteemed C-body Moparians,

This afternoon, the gnawing suspicion that my gas tank still leaked out the filler tube grommet got confirmed by a Good Samaritan passing by, warning me that on inclines and under acceleration, Gertrude was losing LARGE amounts of petrol out the back behind the license plate. I installed a brand new filler tube grommet on the tank when I transferred it from Mathilda, noted the factory bent filler tube with some disquiet, drove a little to test it, found it lacking, then kneaded grey epoxy into a gap under the tube hoping that would suffice to keep petrol IN the tank. Today, I learned otherwise.

I ordered this grommet on eBay, while I purchased by first from Van. I still have that one, and it retained its flexibility, so I'm going to replace whats in the tank with that for now, and pray for the best. Do any of you KNOW of a GOOD QUALITY filler tube grommet particularly suited to these 1968 C bodies? If so, I will be most grateful for your instruction.
The one I used for my NYer came from Vans almost 5 years ago. I've not caught it leaking.

Thanx much! Yes, I checked and the one I got on ePay was from Inline Tube no less! I compared the two, and Van's product is slightly, just a 1/16 of an inch tighter. The other thing I noted, is that there is a definite "in side-out-side" to these, and while it made no difference with the straight tube on the 66, on the 68 one REALLY NEEDS to put it just right. So I did, today, and pray this will seal that filler tube well. I also tightened the J hooks up another 1/4 inch, to help insure that the tank won't budge when the car is moving.