We, too, were very poor at it when we were kids yet now early dementia keeps us from remembering it.
Oh I remember some of the BONEHEAD stunts I pulled as a teenager. The stupidest was switching drivers in a 1965 Lincoln at 120 mph. To this day my best and oldest friend says "We should have died many times".
AH? Baby Boomerz? You mean the WOODSTOCK GENERATION? The generation that said little junior waz only expressing himself when set the cat on fire so time out for 5 minutes? The generation that said OH LOOK honey, the neighborz 15 YO daughter iz getting humped in their front yard again, isn't that cute? WWII ended in 1945, add 20+ yearz to that and where are we folkz? The beginning of adult Baby Boomerz? The generation that added the word 'EAR to the world vocabulary when they pasted the joint while holding ah lung full?