Does anyone know what a 727 big block trans weighs?


Dec 19, 2021
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I have a big block, push button 727 for sale. It's crated but I have no way to weigh it. A search on here comes up empty. Google says it weighs 161 pounds, probably including the torque converter, but I can not find anything else to confirm that. Has anyone weighed one, or know where I can find the info? I need this for a shipping quote. Thanks guys.
I'm thinking somewhere in that ballpark also. Someone suggested using a bathroom scale. That's a great idea, I will try that. Thanks again!
I did some googling and came up with ~130 lbs. and ~35 lbs for the convertor.
Thanks Big_John. I wasn't able to find that info. Thank you for taking the time to look it up.
I've shipped them and they come in under 150 without converter. FedEx limit is/was 150 pounds and they wouldn't have accepted it if it was over that.
161 pounds with torque converter, according to internet sources & others on this site who responded earlier in this thread.
It's that heavy? Really? I'd have never thought it was a hundred.
I dropped one once when I was a kid. Lost my footing going down the sidewalk stairs (one step) at my parent's house. Cracked a corner off the concrete. My Dad wasn't real happy about that, as you can imagine.

While 130lbs wasn't that heavy to me at the time, it was very clumsy to handle and I had just carried it up from the basement. Now... 130lbs requires calling someone else to move it.
Back when I was 16-17 I installed the hood on my 77 Cordoba by myself, balancing it on my head like an orangutan.
I can't fully envision today how I could've accomplished that, but I do remember as I was getting it into place it slipped on me and the corner hit the stainless at the base of the windshield. I was a few inches from needing new glass.

Transmissions are still heavy to me, too.

Is the Fedex 150lb limit for being in a packing crate, or ???
I believe so, 150 lb limit is packaged weight.
I've actually removed and installed many hoods by myself over the years with no trouble or damage. Just takes a bit of ingenuity. Wink, wink.