for Canadians Bill M -103


Senior Member
Apr 9, 2014
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.....why me..its much easyer to sneak up on folks with a bat or a knife
.....k this is directed at us Canucks and is something we ALL need to take notice of and make a stand against...!
Basicly what it boils down to is a Canadian member of parliament that was originally from Pakistan has introduced a private members bill to pass a islamophobia bill designed to quash our ability to say anything against islam as "islamophobia" includes EVERYTHING islam!!!!!!!...
THIS WOULD INCLUDE SHARIA LAW SHOULD IT EVER BE INTRODUCED TO CANADA and this has been mentioned by her in admiration!!!!!!!
if it were to be introduced and this bill were to pass would mean that any Canadian that voiced "any opinion" against Sharia law would be breaking Canadian law !!!!

Conservatives accuse Liberal government of playing politics with Islamophobia motion

good vid

k fellas were canucks !!!!...we don't put up with this **** least l don't...l served to fight this ****!!!
...plz write your local mps and Justin along with the other party leaders and voice your concerns...we may not get another chance...engage your family,friends and coworkers!!!!

Justin Trudeau

Tom Mulcair

Rona Ambrose

its your future...make a stand and speak your piece or kiss your rights goodbye

one ticked critter
I'd offer to loan you guys Trump in 8 years to straighten out that kind of f#@ked up $hit, but by then it will probably be way too late.
I truly wish you guys the best of luck in crushing this kind of B.S. out of existence! :canada:
At the moment it is only a "Motion" in Parliament which means nothing kinda like "We move to proclaim Feb 16th honorary left handed red headed school teacher" day but it is the start of something more sinister then we have ever seen before. It is how the invasion by immigration begins. They "immigrate" here and instead of adopting our values they work to impose their own. By electing their own like minded people they can effect the changes they want towards the Islamification of our Country without lifting a sword. By the way everything I just wrote would be considered spreading Islamophobia and I could be charged if this "Motion" becomes a Bill and then becomes a Law. Pray for us is all I can say. They will out number us before long and will seize control eventually. Europe is beginning to realize what they've done by opening their borders to these people.
what you don't understand if it gos forward it can be challenged and which point the challenge will fail and it will be come law....thus the laws re lbgt ect ect...please read up a tad
It COULD (not will, although the odds of this M becoming a C down the road are very high and it is a possibility) very well a gateway to allow it to happen, especially if they begin to continue expanding on this. They have already made Gender Identity discrimination illegal (even though the premise behind it is incredibly stupid) and Transphobia is illegal (I admit it is a problem, but making it illegal because hate speech =/= free speech is dumb).

Sharia Law makes it illegal to criticize Islam in any fashion, be it the Prophet, Allah or the religion itself. The punishment is death but Canada doesn't have the Death Penalty. M-103 wants to do a study that will eventually make a C Bill that will make it illegal to criticize Islam or any religion for that matter (good luck being an outspoken Atheist). There is a good reason why many Canadians are against Sharia Law: It is one of the biggest forms of Human Rights abuses in the world today.

Not to mention there are special interest groups in the Muslim community who ultimately want Sharia Law across the globe (Muslim Brotherhood, ISIL, groups in France, Germany, etc.).
Its called civilization Jihad. The Muslim brotherhood have been working on doing this in the U.S. since at least the 1980s. I dont care what anybody says. Immigration is permanent. They breed like insects, and overwhelm the social services of the host country. A parasite is one that eventually kills its host.

Your P.M. Justin "Turd"eau isnt gonna do ****. In fact he's wanting to ratchet that **** up and bring in more. You see whats going on in Europe now? It will be here in 5-10 years.

Liberals are stupid. They really have no idea the danger they are putting their own constituents in, as well as the peril for themselves when it reaches critical mass. Angela Merkel opened the floodgates, i'm suprised her head isnt mounted on a stick right now for what she has done to her country.

God has warned in the bible to beware of the great deciever. The koran states that muhammed is the greatest deciever of all. Is it any wonder why they dislike Christians. The bible calls it out for what it is. Satans religion. Anything that can be that barbaric, truly cannot be the word of God.

A very dangerous cult that has not reformed since the 7th century, see simple cartoon below Islam explained

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Y'all need to push back, and elect conservatives to stop this. This pakistani member of your parlament needs to be voted out next election. Easy what you do is get people informed with whats going on. Most people are ignorant because theres so much going on in their lives, they expect their elected officials are going to do the right thing. Thats not always the case. The only way to hold them to account is a population that knows whats going on and holds their feet to the fire. Otherwise it will end up somewhat like the Eloi and Morelocks.

Personally i fear for my kids growing up having to deal with this ****. Remember its the libs and fake conservatives that are allowing this **** to happen. You saw the US push back at this with Trumps election. And we have to keep it going. All the little snowflakes having daily tantrums here over it. Eventually its gonna hit critical mass and theres gonna be some snowflake stompin going on.
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Good gawd. This Muslim swarm spreading across the world is real. Very real. Very EFN scary, real.
By the time I die, I hope it's still The Stars and Stripes at the top of the flagpole in our town's common.
THEY move in by the masses.. and use our own laws and rules against us, eventually taking over.. I hope and pray WE can adapt and overcome this infestation..

Look up the words "bacha bazi" this is the kinda backwards **** that goes on in Assramistan, i mean afghanistan. Well they read the same evil book as the pakistanis do. And the paks live right next door to em.

What gets me is a few things. First they push gays off buildings, saying that behavior is punishable by death. Yet they engage in this behavior with male children. Can y'all say hipocracy.

Also islam is the only "religion" that makes leaving their faith a punishment by death. Hmmm, correct me if i'm wrong but isnt that the way the mafia's around the world work. The only way out is death.

What gets me is the libs catering to em. Do the libs really think they are creating a voting bloc to keep themselves in power? Heres the thing the koran says its ok for them to lie to the unbelievers. Guess what, anybody who is NOT a muslim IS an unbeliever. So you can bet your *** that they are lyin their asses off to further their cult to anybody gullible to listen, and in power who they can convince to make and implement those changes. God help us all.

Those of us in the U.S. can join
Act For America. Bridgette Gabriel is the founder. As a Christian, her family had to flee the muslim takeover of Lebanon. Yes Lebanon was once a Christian nation.
Wow, what a crazy world we live in. My kids are all Generation X, all have multiple university degrees and as far as I can see are totally clueless when it comes to dealing with subjects such as politics, sexuality and religion.
Political thinking seems to revolve around personality, if they "like" the dude, they vote for them regardless what they believe in. They believe a "bad" choice can always be replaced with no harm done. Ya right, our nutcase premier and our crazy Prime Minister are examples their screwed up thinking. I see the same thinking down south with their shiny new President.
Sexuality seems to have evolved to an all's fair and anything goes world. My generation believed "boys liked girls", "girls like boys" and all other combinations were queers. Today it seems every TV show and movie has a few queers thrown in with the hope we will accept them as "normal". My generation says, "queer is queer", the Gen X says "queer is Ok" and Gen Y seem to believe the world is becoming asexual.
Religion continues to be a mystery. My generation, started school days with the national anthem and the Lord's Prayer. My kids saw none of that and millennials don't consider either to be worth talking about. Very, very scary world.
Are the Muslims going to take over the world? Probably not, they have to deal with millennials with their asexual washrooms, total atheism and belief that freedom of speech trumps all.
Muslims get all bent out of shape when anyone criticizes their beliefs, well, all I can say is welcome to Twitter, Facebook and the thousands of untraceable internet web sites. Religions depend upon a strong leader with mystic powers governed using an ancient mysterious rule book and followers willing to blindly follow the rules - and - donate lots of money to pay for it all. Millennials just aren't going to buy any of that. Religion is most likely going to follow sexuality so you can believe whatever turns your crank.
As I write this, I'm baby sitting my 10 month old grand-daughter and I've pretty well decided to teach her how to protect herself from religious nuts of all flavors, why it's important to have an opinion and voice it through voting, why sex was designed for procreation and not recreation and how to use firearms.

Ya I know, we Canadians are all tolerant and polite, but know this, don't piss us off!
Wow, what a crazy world we live in. My kids are all Generation X, all have multiple university degrees and as far as I can see are totally clueless when it comes to dealing with subjects such as politics, sexuality and religion.
Political thinking seems to revolve around personality, if they "like" the dude, they vote for them regardless what they believe in. They believe a "bad" choice can always be replaced with no harm done. Ya right, our nutcase premier and our crazy Prime Minister are examples their screwed up thinking. I see the same thinking down south with their shiny new President.
Sexuality seems to have evolved to an all's fair and anything goes world. My generation believed "boys liked girls", "girls like boys" and all other combinations were queers. Today it seems every TV show and movie has a few queers thrown in with the hope we will accept them as "normal". My generation says, "queer is queer", the Gen X says "queer is Ok" and Gen Y seem to believe the world is becoming asexual.
Religion continues to be a mystery. My generation, started school days with the national anthem and the Lord's Prayer. My kids saw none of that and millennials don't consider either to be worth talking about. Very, very scary world.
Are the Muslims going to take over the world? Probably not, they have to deal with millennials with their asexual washrooms, total atheism and belief that freedom of speech trumps all.
Muslims get all bent out of shape when anyone criticizes their beliefs, well, all I can say is welcome to Twitter, Facebook and the thousands of untraceable internet web sites. Religions depend upon a strong leader with mystic powers governed using an ancient mysterious rule book and followers willing to blindly follow the rules - and - donate lots of money to pay for it all. Millennials just aren't going to buy any of that. Religion is most likely going to follow sexuality so you can believe whatever turns your crank.
As I write this, I'm baby sitting my 10 month old grand-daughter and I've pretty well decided to teach her how to protect herself from religious nuts of all flavors, why it's important to have an opinion and voice it through voting, why sex was designed for procreation and not recreation and how to use firearms.

Ya I know, we Canadians are all tolerant and polite, but know this, don't piss us off!
Heres the thing, they will outbreed the local population, then take over. If you wait too long it becomes a losing battle
Wow, what a crazy world we live in. My kids are all Generation X, all have multiple university degrees and as far as I can see are totally clueless when it comes to dealing with subjects such as politics, sexuality and religion.
Political thinking seems to revolve around personality, if they "like" the dude, they vote for them regardless what they believe in. They believe a "bad" choice can always be replaced with no harm done. Ya right, our nutcase premier and our crazy Prime Minister are examples their screwed up thinking. I see the same thinking down south with their shiny new President.
Sexuality seems to have evolved to an all's fair and anything goes world. My generation believed "boys liked girls", "girls like boys" and all other combinations were queers. Today it seems every TV show and movie has a few queers thrown in with the hope we will accept them as "normal". My generation says, "queer is queer", the Gen X says "queer is Ok" and Gen Y seem to believe the world is becoming asexual.
Religion continues to be a mystery. My generation, started school days with the national anthem and the Lord's Prayer. My kids saw none of that and millennials don't consider either to be worth talking about. Very, very scary world.
Are the Muslims going to take over the world? Probably not, they have to deal with millennials with their asexual washrooms, total atheism and belief that freedom of speech trumps all.
Muslims get all bent out of shape when anyone criticizes their beliefs, well, all I can say is welcome to Twitter, Facebook and the thousands of untraceable internet web sites. Religions depend upon a strong leader with mystic powers governed using an ancient mysterious rule book and followers willing to blindly follow the rules - and - donate lots of money to pay for it all. Millennials just aren't going to buy any of that. Religion is most likely going to follow sexuality so you can believe whatever turns your crank.
As I write this, I'm baby sitting my 10 month old grand-daughter and I've pretty well decided to teach her how to protect herself from religious nuts of all flavors, why it's important to have an opinion and voice it through voting, why sex was designed for procreation and not recreation and how to use firearms.

Ya I know, we Canadians are all tolerant and polite, but know this, don't piss us off!
I've come to the conclusion that the entire western world has gone collectively insane and actually wants to do away with itself. I don't mean every individual citizen is insane. Recent events like the Brexit vote and the election in the US prove that quite a bit of common sense still exists. There are still a whole lot of us who haven't had our common sense removed by the constant brainwashing campaign of pollitical correctness waged by the mainstream media, Hollywood, the music industry and insane university profesors. I'm just afraid that we're not the majority anymore.

To look around most of the countries in the "free world", it certainly looks as if the lunatics are running the asylums. The way things are going, in five years, being straight (heterosexual) will probably be considered a perversion. As far as the Milennials being in favor of unrestricted free speech, it seems to me that it's the other way around. Yes, most of this political correctness garbage started in the '70s, but from what I can see, the Milennials are expanding on it exponentially. I mean, they are the ones calling for "Safe Spaces" and the right to never be offended during their entire lives so, it looks to me like they are most definitely not in favor of free speech, but instead are only in favor of non-offensive "safe" speech. This is why I'm afraid that the majority of them will be fully in favor of legislation like Bill M-103. I hope I'm wrong.

By the way, I've never heard, did the people of High River ever get their guns back? If not, were they ever compensated for having them siezed?
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