I have to quit this site

Go up to the top right and select your username, brings up a drop down and the second down on the left side is for a siggie.

Just built myself one, seemed the thing to do.
I have to turn my phone sideways to see people's signatures. I'm never on my laptop.
I don't even have a "C'' body. I just like to see all your cool stuff. And like they say "Ya learn something new every day".
I'm just a MOPAR junky. I do my A-B-C's several times a day. Even go to the FMJ too. I leave the E bodies to them,not a fan.
I do the FBBO, lurking on FABO. Always on FCBO bothering these guys. The right one will fall into my lap one of these days, my A, B, and E bodies will keep me busy till that someday.

Scott clean out you inbox, thanks